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At the house of the Leebrocks, Emilia woke up with a mix of feelings inside of hers. But one thing is for sure, those two where just messing around with her. She got dressed and went to have breakfast with her family. Her sister, mother and Father, where at the table already.

"good morning sister, seems you been up late again?" she said in an sarcastic way

"yes, I was reading sister" 

"look Emilia reading will only damage your eyes even more, I suggest just don't do that anymore" Mother said eating her scrambled eggs

"sorry mother"

"always with the apologizing, you should just get married already or do something productive"

Those words cut deeper than anything in this world, and it hurt even more because it came from her father. His not all bad, but when it comes to Emilia sometimes he is a little harsh. He loves her that's for sure, but I  think it bothers him that she can't read his news paper, doctor said if she reads, she just going to keep losing eye sight more and more. when she was little she always read the news paper with her father, that's how they discover that she was losing her eye sight. Emilia with her heart broken she stood up and walked outside. The table just stayed silence. Once outside she started walking and walking, until she arrived to the town, she cried all the way. Her eyes red and wet, she swiped the tears off. She doesn't see pretty well but she memorized the roads, she's been living here all her life. She entered a sweets store and buy a donut. She sat in a table alone and eat it slowly while hearing all the people chatter going in and out. Then she heard some girls laughing and chit chatting between them, she knew it was about her. Then she felt a warm arm around her shoulder, she got scared and froze.

"don't worry is me" Raymond whispered to her ear. his warm breath send goosebumps around all her body.

"what are you doing?"

"I was going to ask the same thing"

"isn't obvious I craved something sweet"

"really me too, lucky I find you" he said and bite my donut

"hey stopped people are going to think we are together"

"I don't care, Let them think, anyways their brains are empty"

"well, even thought, if you want me to find someone, you need to look good at all times"

"no matter what I do, they will always do what I say, I just say a couple words and they are on their knees, if you know what I mean"

"No I don't , neither want to know"

"that's what I like about you, since yesterday, I know I can say anything and you wont get freaked out or act like a lady"

"I dint know if I should take that as a complement"

"come with me"

he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. We where walking fast, I couldn't keep up, to remember where were we. We stoped and he pushed me against a bricked wall. I know because I felt it with my hand.

"where are we?"

Shh! he said putting a finger on my mouth. "sorry" I whispered

"stay here, no matter what you hear just don't move"

I heard his foot steps fading away, I pick in my pocket and got my glasses. I put them on and I didn't recognized the place, is like we where in a down town street, I heard this places where dangerous. we where in an ally, I take a peek from the corner to see, where did Raymond went. I see an old abandoned small building. The door is open I bet he went inside. I heard some glass breaking, my heart skipped a beat, hope that wasn't him, what if he need helps, then a heard a loud thud. I couldn't just wait there so I walked fast towards the building, I pushed the door slowly and saw a body on the floor, I got scared , I approach carefully and take a closer look, it wasn't Raymond so he was ok, I guess.

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