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Jonathan wakes up once again full of joy, he went down to have breakfast with his brother and father, but this time there was only Raymond.

"where's father?"

"his been un his study all morning, I think somethings going on"

They both went to Vermont's study, he was going in circles reading a piece of paper on his hand.

"father? is everything fine?"

"oh my sons, yes everything's good" he said distracted

"it doesn't seem like it"

"oh well, some robbers, I think part of the gang that is causing the riots, have stole a couple thousands from the bank, the money from the people, tax money"

"don't tell me, they are blaming you again?"

"unfortunately, yes"

"but father"

"is ok, I don't want to worry you guys with silly government stuff, you guys should be worrying on how make that girl fall and fast, now off you go" he cuts him off

"ok father, but if there's anything we can do, just let us know"

"distract the people with your love story is enough to keep the masses away from me"

They both got out the study and went out to the garden, to talk more private.

"what should we do?"

"I guess try and find where those guys hide the money, but I don't know anybody from downtown"

"I know someone" Raymond said

They moved fast and went to Raymonds friend brothel, they go in and Raymond asks for her to one of the ladies there.

"can you remember me how you know this place?" Jonathan said looking around

"is a long story"

"i bet"

"my boy, so long since the last time you came" said the tall woman with big boobs

"yes, is there's a more private place we can talk, business matter"

"follow me"

They followed her to a back door, there was a tiny office full of clutter.

"what's going on now Reymundo?"

"there's this gang causing problems to father, they stole some money, but not just any money the tax money from the town folk, they are blaming him, do you know or have heard of anything from the ladies or men that has come?"

"oh my dear, that's dangerous information there"

"I know, but believe me  nothing will happen to you"

"oh I'm not worry about me, boy"

"I will manage"

"I know you do, hmm, well there's this old looking guy that comes on saturdays, he always call for Vivi, I will talk to her, come tomorrow I will have the information"

"thanks, I owe you"

"not yet, hey!, how's that girl? the one you bring here last time"

"she's fine, bye"

They both went back home, at Jonathan room they where writing a note to send Emilia, with their most reliable butler. They give the note to him and he went off to deliver it.

"why did you bring Emilia to a place like that?"

"it was an emergency, we where running"

"ok, then why where you too together?"

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