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Emilia wakes up filling sore. Her head was killing her for all the crying, should she apologize? she thought. She was the one who insult her first, she's the old one, she needs to start respecting her. She changed and went down stairs, there she sees a lot of police man inside the house, her mother was talking to one of them, she look like crying, she had a hand sheet cleaning her nose. I approached her worried.

"mother what is happening?"

"your sister Susan, she's missing"

"what? how? when?"

"I don't know Emilia, now don't bother and stay inside, I don't want another missing daughter" Her mother walked away

Emilia just stood there, thinking it was her fault for fighting with her yesterday, tears run down her face, she then fast cleaned her face, went down the hallway, grabbed a photo of her sister out the wall, and walked outside, she walked to the town, showing her sister photo to everyone she saw, but nobody had saw her. She walked back home, walked to her father that was talking with business man in his office, she barged in.


They stopped talking and turned around to see her. "I was thinking to put a picture of Susan in the news paper, so then everyone will see and help us find her"

"sorry gentleman, that's my daughter" he walked to her fast turned her around and pushed her out of his office. "yes it is on the making, now can you please let me work, is enough with your mother driving me crazy"

"but father, how can you be working, Susan is missing"

"she will be find, this town is safe, she probably just ran off, because of the Winchester kid, you know how emotional she is, now be off and help your mother" he went back in and closed the doors.

She was so mad at her father for not caring, but men are like this always, works never stops. They care more for some titles and power than their family sometimes. Emilia went out to the stables and notice Susan horse was not there, so she got on hers and went out to try and find her, she was following the marks on the grass and dirt, but at some point they disappeared, she was in the middle of nowhere at this point, but it was close to the Winchester house, maybe she's there, she ride her horse there, tied him at the back garden. she walked there and entered from the back door, she saw nobody so she walked even deeper, then she saw Jonathan, he was alone so she walked to him and hugged him.

"Emilia" he said surprised and hugged her even harder "are you ok? we just got the news"

She started crying, in his arms she felt warmth and safe. "no I'm not, Susan will never run away, I feel her in danger, she is afraid of everything, She is probably lost somewhere in the woods or something"

"Don't worry, she is fine, just go back home ok, me and Raymond will go out and try to find her"

"no I have to help"

"Emilia listen to me" he grabbed her face with both hands "go and rest, I will handle this"

"No you don't understand we fought yesterday, this is my fault"

"Emilia, this is not your fault, please just go home, it will kill if something happens to you to"

"fine, but please if you find her, bring her back home, no police station, ok"



"promise now go home"

Emilia got in her horse and ride home, but when she was riding back, she felt uneasy, she looked at the distance and felt like a calling. She turned back and started riding towards the river, she heard a waterfall so maybe Susan was there, she find her safe place like her. Susan! she called her, she got closer but the floor turned into gravel so the horse was walking weirdly, she got off and tied him to a big rock, she walked closer and then she saw Susan horse lying on the floor, she run to her, but it was dead, she looked everywhere, Susan! she called again. She saw a body floating in the water. Her heart stopped for a moment and started beating like crazy, she got in the cold water, her mouth was shivering, she forced her body in the water and swim to her sister body, she grabbed her, it was stiff and hard for the cold water, she dragged her out. She hold her in her arms, her face was purple, her skin grey, her red hair lost its brightness.

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