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In the morning Jonathan wakes Raymond, carefully so they don't wake up Emilia. Raymond wakes up with a growl of pain.

"shh!" Jonathan says to him

He looks to his side and sees Emilia sleeping.

"oh fuck, did we fuck her" Raymond said exalted

"no you idiot, no lets go home, father must be worried" 

They went back home and it was full of police, Jonathan entered fast and worried. He walked to eric.

"what's going on?"

"Jonathan we where waiting for you, we where worried they got to the both of you"

"is our father ok?" Raymond said

"he is alive, but he was attack last night"

"where is he?"

Eric take them to their father's room, he was sleeping on his bed already with bandages. they walked to their father and hold his hands.

"I'm sorry father if we where here last night, this wouldn't happened"

After all the fuss and the police asking and checking the house. They leave only a couple stayed. Jonathan was full of rage, he went to the cabin to train, Raymond followed him.

"what are we going to do?" he asks

"we go today, I'm putting and end to this"

Emilia appears at the cabin, she runs to them as soon she sees them, hugs them tightly.

"what are you doing here, stay at your house, is not safe out there" Jonathan said mad

"I came as soon I heard, I had to see the both of you"

"well, you did, now go home"

"what are you thinking on doing?"


"well, I'm going, on whatever you are thinking" she takes her dress off, she had her pants under the dress " I came prepared"

"Emilia, Is dangerous, this is not a normal entertain mission, we don't know how many of them are going to be there"

"I don't care, we are in this together"

Jonathan looks to Raymond and he understand immediately, they grab Emilia and tied her to a chair.

"hey, let me go, this is insane, you cannot leave me here" she says mad

"well, you did not give me a choice so, bye" he kissed her cheek

Raymond did the same and kissed her other cheek. "sorry but is true, you are safe here"

They both left, Emilia struggle with her hands to get the rope off, then she remember she has a knife in her pocket, but how she's going to take it, or at least take it out of her pocket, she starts jumping, then she saw the chair was weak, so she throws herself enough hard to the back and brake the chair with the fall. Now she can move her hands, picks then knife out her pocket, with difficulty she cuts the rope, she stands up and went outside, they where already gone, but she can see the footprints of the horses, so she got on hers and started following. She arrives finally and it was nightfall, she doesn't see any sign of them, there's a small wooden house, there's a couple bodies on the floor, just a couple feet from a house. So they are here, she hides her horse in the bushes. then she crouches and gets closer to the house, she hears male voices coming from inside. she peeks from a window on the side of the house, they have Jonathan and Raymond tied to chairs, they have their faces bruised up and with blood. Inside there was 3 man, they all look buff in muscle. Then she hears a door opening up from the back, she keeps crouching and moves slowly sticking to the wall of the house, A man went out to smoke, she breaths in, she remembers a book she read not so long ago, about a detective, they explain a little how to fight, so she pictures the perfect scene in  her mind. She fills herself with bravery and went for it, she rolls on the floor without making any noise, she gain back the composure, she stands, put her hand fast on his mouth and stabs him in his neck a couple times. He falls to the ground, her heart was raising. She did it, she checks his pockets and he had a gun. Perfect. He left the back door open, she moves to the side of the door to look inside, the other two where hitting Jonathan  and Raymond. Emilia looked away. When she decided to walk inside a man was walking her direction , so they where in front of each other. Raymond raised his head and he saw her. Emilia fast raised her gun, to point to the man,

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