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Emilia wakes up early, washes herself and went downstairs to have breakfast with her family, she still is getting use to not having Susan. Casandra was there, with her mother. 


"good morning sister, is good to finally see you"

"sorry, good morning"

"come on sit" she pointed a chair

Emilia walks closer and sits.

"so, sister, how have you been?"

"fine, and you and the kids?"

"they are fine, Do you have time today for your sister?"

"yes of course"

"perfect, I have some things to do together, now mother will you excuse us"

"yes my dear" she responded

They both got up and walked outside.

"what about starting with an old horse ride, lets go to the dandelions field?"

"sounds fine"

They got on the horses and ride them slowly through the field, they were side by side, riding in silence, just hearing the nature.

"so, how have you been since Susan?"

"I miss her everyday"

"I bet, I miss her too, just know, is not your fault, what happened to her, you couldn't control that boy feelings towards you, if our sister took it badly, is a total different story"

"I have never told this to anybody, but that same day, we had a terrible fight with her"

"still don't hold it in your chest, there just some things in life, you cant control, trust me she knew you loved her"

Emilia let out a couple tears, they arrive to the dandelions field, they go off the horses and walked in the field, leaving a trace of flying dandelions on the air.

"is beautiful" Emilia said looking at the sky

"do you remember when we were little, we came here so many times"

"yes and Susan got those bad allergies"

"yes" they both laughed

"so aren't you going to talk to me, about you know what"



"uhg" she walked to a small hill and sit there, Casandra followed her and sat next to her "well, is a really difficult matter, you see, I'm supposed to pick one by the end of the month, but I just cant figure to decide"

"don't you feel a connection with one of them more than the other?"

"that's the thing, I feel so connected to both of them, it hurts"

"you just need to think things through"

"yes I know, tomorrow I have a meeting with Jonathan, I think I will make it the last, but what if I can't decide at the end, will I lose both?"

"ok, tell me what you feel when you are with Raymond?"

"I feel alive, his funny, he is passionate, he makes me feel accepted and desired"


"he makes me feel safe, calm, like I can be anything and he will accept me"

"wow, it is difficult to choose, but think about this way, with who you can picture yourself better, like in the future"

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