And his reaction

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I used to screem vansh but no one helped me no one took stand for me. I hate the vansh I hate them

Pov- I was so angry on her family that how can someone do this to jiya how . I want to kill them . I don't know what to say. My eyes are filled with tears how ,how can this happen how can someone be so devil...
Thats why she is rude to world

Now my love for her had become more intense now

I hugged her so tight . She was in my embrace now. I was trying to take all her problem away . I wish I could.
Jiya hugged him back it was a tight hug she was trying to save her from demons..

She fell asleep on his lap it was 11 pm vansh told everybody to leave he didn't want them to see her in a weak condition...

He put ointment at bandages on her cuts..

Now it was 12 am when jiya woke up she searched for vansh she so that he was sitting next to born fire...

She came near him and sit beside him.
Vansh - Are u okay
Jiya nodded

Ahh my head aches ..

Vansh are u fine do u need a doctor let me see it was a unnoticed cut .

He grabbed first aid box and put ointment on it

Where as  Jiya was looking deep into his eyes or she could she was love at care for her that minute she realized she is in love with him she has no more fears.

He whispered I know I am handsome.

Jiya- You are.

Vansh - did u said something..

Jiya- No and she smiled .

Now he lossed his balance they were impossibly close to each other then he kissed her . She kissed her back.
They broke kiss when they were out of breath .
She said I love u vansh I love u and kissed back it was soft passionate kiss.

Vansh- when she said I love u I thought I am the owner of world it was a feeling I can't express in words . I replied I love u more ..

He said let's have dinner

Jiya - No , I am not in mood to have it.

Vansh-You have to eat it u are already weak . He said in a dominating voice.

She nodded.
Vansh-  good girl do u want me feed u with my hands 😉

Jiya- I have hands mr vansh

Vansh rolled his eyes and said can't u be romantic for a sec

Jiya- wasn't the kiss romantic she said with a Smirk.

Vansh- don't make me blush
Jiya - u are already blushing ..

After 10 min

What's in your hand she asked

Vansh- He was holding a rose he said basketball

Jiya- Then play .

Vansh - I can't win

Jiya do whatever I say you we be blessed ...

Vansh do u know what kind of blessings I want comeon give me a reward I have give you a rose.

Jiya - which kind of award u want she asked


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