Chapter 2: The Jagger's

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Chapter Two

While feeling the breeze of the fresh summer air, Mackie sat in his front yard as he watched his niece Fawn let her imagination roam as she played with her soccer ball, kicking it and giggling as she threw it in the air. His brother Elijah was out on a date with his girlfriend Courtney so Mackie took the liberty to take his niece out to get some vitamin D while he babysat. Although his dad was home to help, Mackie was the only one getting paid.

He enjoyed the small breeze as it showed that summer was slowly coming to an end and fall was right around the corner. Fawn kicked the ball and Mackie's heart spiked when it almost went into his neighbour's yard. They didn't have much of a backyard and he didn't want his niece to run into the woods so this was the only option: having a heart attack after every kick. This time, the miniature soccer ball found its way to the Jagger's property and Mackie stood up quickly when Fawn dashed after it. "Hey, come back!" She only chased the ball and continued to laugh. "Fawn!"

When she officially stepped a dangerous foot onto their property, Mackie held his breath and waited for the bomb to go off. He wiped his forehead as sweat drizzled down his skin and watched as their front door opened. Fawn was oblivious as to what was going on around her but maybe Mackie was being too dramatic.

Hazel Jagger stepped out onto her porch, watching Fawn curiously. Hazel was the youngest in the family, only a year younger than her brother and two cousins. Mackie didn't care, he still found something to be off about her just like the rest. He did find her to be more bearable than her brother Theon, who also stepped out onto the front porch.

Mackie quickly walked towards his niece but stopped before he crossed the invisible line onto their property. "I'm sorry, she must have wandered off again when I wasn't looking," he apologized, although not feeling that sorry.

Theon groaned lowly and shook his head with disappointment, he didn't care that Fawn was only a child. "Why can't you ever control her, Mackie? It's like you want me to say something."

Mackie shifted from one foot to the other, "Well no, she's a child, not a dog who needs to be put on a leash."

"I would disagree," Theon said and it made Mackie flinch. "Anyways, the next time it happens I'll have you know to watch yourself, it's really getting on my nerves."

"She needs a leash, seriously?" He crossed his arms, feeling brave now that Fawn retrieved her ball and made it back to the right side of the grass. "If she does then you need a muzzle, I can't have you threatening–"

"Excuse me?" Theon walked off the porch but Hazel grabbed his arm quickly.

"He apologized, that's enough already." She shoved her brother in the direction of the house and without any further argument, he went into the house, mumbling incoherently to himself. "Sorry about him," Hazel apologised and followed her brother inside.

Theon Jagger, and his two cousins Leland and Zephan, were more of the feared ones at school. They all happened to be Mackie's age, making them in a few of his classes. Perhaps that's why he seemed to skip out on a lot of his classes. Despite Leland and Zephan being the same age, they were not twins, only brothers, or Irish twins as some say.

Mackie and a few others believed that they had something going for them. They were what he liked to call, the ring leaders of the freaks. The freaks were split into four groups, it didn't take him long to figure it out. They all fought against one another, trying to win dominance over the school. It was ridiculous.

Leland, Zephan, and Theon on one side, group one. Hennessy, Devlin, and Trinity, group two. Mackie couldn't figure out the leaders of group three and group four seemed to be a bunch of loners, as he concluded, there wasn't really a group four, but he judged based on who hung out with one another.

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