Chapter 27: The First Rain

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Rain pooled from the sky, coating everyone in a thin layer of water. Devlin walked along his pack through the forest. They had crossed the invisible border onto the target pack. The wolves looked like a mess with wet fur and muddy paws. They were in their element, ready to fight in the rain.

Devlin looked up at the grey clouds and ran when his dad signalled for his pack to charge and fight. Pack Rose was on their toes, waiting for the rogues to attack. They grouped away from the packhouse and it was obvious the humans were inside. Nathan let out a howl and the fight had officially started.

Ruth and Cliff both howled together and Pack Rose went into defence, snapping and biting at anyone who dared come close to them. Devlin ran with his siblings, not aiming for anyone in particular but he wouldn't mind if Theon showed up to fight.

Mud splashed as he ran and his fur was matted from the rain. He was used to fighting in the mucky weather as his father had him train whenever it rained, with no exceptions.

Rule number three of being a rogue: Every time it rains you must train.

Trinity fought with Hennessy. Their strategy was to attack single fighters, giving them a better chance to win. It was cruel but Devlin noticed one thing as he watched: Hennesee never got the last move over his sister.

He looked around for Neo, his heart pumping loudly as he looked for the small white wolf. Nathan made it clear that he needed to fight but his main purpose was to heal. After spotting his bright white fur, Devlin let out a hum of relief just as his body slammed to the ground, his fur instantly getting coated in a thick layer of mud.

Theon regained his balance and bared his teeth, growling as he stood up quickly, his fur sticking tall and his claws digging into the ground, feeling the earth and water beneath him. The two growled at one another, snapping occasionally, and then getting into a match when Devlin ran forward.

Rule number two of being a rogue: Never back down to a fight.

They bit wherever they could and clawed every surface of fur they could reach. Theon bit his shoulder and Devlin aimed for his. He scratched his enemy, aiming wherever he could. Slowly, the fight dragged on and neither one of them seemed to win. They were equal in size and strength. The only difference they seemed to have was the colour of their fur as Devlin's was dark brown like the mud that coated him, and Theon was black like the night.

Theon raised his paw and aimed for Devlin's face but he ducked down in time to save himself from the scratch. This gave him an opening so he pounced on Theon while his arm still lay in the air. Devlin tackled him down and bit his neck, Theon managing to do the same. The two howled and growled and then Devlin felt a light layer of blood drip from his shoulder. Theon pushed him to the ground, gaining mount, surely winning the fight.

Devlin couldn't lose. He wouldn't let himself and although his vision started to blur as Theon clawed at him, Devlin tried finding Neo in the crowd.

Suddenly, a blob of brown tackled Theon to the ground. Devlin wobbly stood up, aware of the pain in his shoulder, and he growled at Theon while Hennessy fought him. Devlin prayed to the moon above that his father didn't see.

Out of breath, he looked around while he recovered. Trinity had fun messing with Zephan. The two snapped at each other but neither one caused any real damage. Neo healed pack members as a wolf. His nose pressed against someone's stomach. Devlin let out a sigh of relief but his anxiety drifted back when two loud growls came from the middle of the fight. They were louder than everyone there.

Nathan and Cliff circled each other and everyone stopped fighting to watch. They walked low to the ground, their fur pointed straight and their teeth shined sharply as they growled at one another.

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