Chapter 22: Full Moon

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Mackie," Mackie felt something against his shoulder. He tried to push it away and he groaned as sleep tried taking over. "Mackie, wake up." The voice sounded again and this time, Mackie opened his eyes, meeting Sunny's bright morning face. He wanted to groan again. How could someone look so alive in the morning?

"Go away," he said, throwing his blanket over his face.

Sunny ripped it away, "I have to show you something."

Mackie sat forward and looked at his surroundings as if it was the first time. He was lying on a brown sofa, one that didn't belong to his dad or Elijah. He rubbed his eyes, thinking about the previous night. He talked to Ruth and Cliff and they offered to let him spend the night. Zephan slept on the couch opposite to him and that made him sleep the second he closed his eyes.

"Hurry, get up," Sunny pulled on his arm and Mackie wobbled to his feet and let Sunny blindly guide him. Sunny took him to the kitchen where there was a sliding glass door. They stopped in front of it and Sunny smiled as he watched what was on the other side. Mackie too, couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as he watched the scene before them.

Four wolves played in the yard. The pair could tell just who they were despite looking nothing like their human selves. Leland's golden brown wolf wrestled with Zephan's dark brown one. They playfully nipped at each other and fought for a winning position on top. Zephan seemed to be winning and Mackie wondered if all of his energy came back because he reversed his rejection.

On the side, Theon growled lowly as he held a thick stick in his mouth. On the other side of the stick, Hazel tried tugging it from her older brother. Her brown fur looked lighter under the morning sun and even Theon looked warmer despite having strong black fur. The boys could tell that he was holding back.

"I noticed that Theon has a little bit of gold in his eyes," Mackie said. His eyes were fixed on the wolves, he didn't want to look away from them. They looked innocent and almost like puppies as they played with each other.

"Hazel doesn't have any," Sunny hummed, as though he was thinking really hard about the subject. "I thought it was a wolf thing and every wolf had it until I saw her eyes."

"That's because she doesn't have alpha blood in her," Ruth's voice came from behind and both of the boys jumped, nearly screaming at her sudden appearance. They faced her and she held back a laugh. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's not the first time," Sunny said and he smiled at her. Mackie wondered when he became so comfortable around her.

"Hazel doesn't have any gold in her eyes because she is an omega. Despite what blood her parents have, she is only an omega, nothing else," Ruth explained. "Omegas can heal. They're quite powerful but also delicate. She'll be protected by those boys for the rest of her life."

"Why does Theon have gold in his eyes?" Mackie asked.

"You noticed," She hummed. "Theon is a beta with some alpha in him. His mom is my sister, an alpha like me, and his dad is a beta. Theon took majority of his beta genes but he has a little alpha in him and his eyes only show it when he's really angry."

"Then why are Leland and Zephan's eyes always gold?" Sunny asked.

"Well, they are full alphas but it is also an emotional thing. If they feel anything strongly, the gold will look stronger than it would normally."

"That's interesting," Sunny said and he turned to face the wolves again. Zephan held Leland to the ground but despite his losing state, he still managed to make eye contact with Sunny from the door.

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