Chapter 4: The Monster In The Woods

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Chapter Four

"Goodnight Mack," Fawn whispered, half asleep. She rubbed her tired eyes and nuzzled further into her pillow. She insisted her uncle tuck her in instead of her parents. Mackie couldn't say no to her beaming smile when she asked.

He kissed her forehead and stood up, "Goodnight."

He left the room quietly, closing the door slowly after he left. He could hear Elijah and his dad arguing in the kitchen, something about spending Elijah's gas money on a box of beer. "Thank you," Courtney said from the living room couch. Mackie always hated that couch. It was his father's bed and ashtray. It reminded him of how he comes home in the middle of the night, swaying on his feet and slurring his words. "Could you go to the store for me? I meant to go earlier but I forgot, kids do that to you," She laughed at her last comment but Mackie knew that it was a lie and it made his hands grow sweaty. He knew that she was only asking the favour so he could leave the house for a few minutes–an escape from his father.

"Yeah sure," He said, nodding his head quickly but before he left, he changed his mind. "Do you want to come with me?"

Courtney was burdened by becoming one with the Wayne family, so why not invite her for an escape? Mackie saw her hesitation so after telling her that Fawn was fine and asleep, she reluctantly found herself walking down the street with her little brother. She had a kid with Elijah, she could call herself his sister.

The street lights were on and the world was dark and asleep. Mackie felt safer with Courtney, especially when he would sometimes feel her brush her shoulder against his, it reminded him that he wasn't alone. "I think I'm a little scared of the dark," Mackie awkwardly laughed.

"It's probably the woods," Courtney responded.

"You're right," Mackie said. "You've always told me not to go in so now I get the jeebies whenever I look at the woods when it's dark."

She laughed, "If it worked on you then it should work on Fawn, she's always trying to run off when I look away for one second, just like her damn dad."

"Elijah goes into the woods?" Mackie couldn't help but feel scared for his brother. The woods were a dangerous place. It became one of his rules, like a moral, don't go into the woods and don't let anyone you know go into the woods. But Elijah was seven years older than him and he was adult enough to make his own decision, Mackie couldn't stop him from the dangers.

"He used to," She said. "He saw a wolf one day and he's never gone back in since."

"Really?" His eyes widened. "Did he really?"

"Yup," She nodded, opening the door to the convenience store and letting Mackie go in first. "He said she was big, the biggest wolf he'd ever seen. She had white fur, like snow, and eyes like the river. He described her in full detail, like how her tail was long and fluffy, and how some of her nails were black and some were white. The wolf growled at him once and he ran." She laughed like she was there to witness it, the fear on her boyfriend's face. Or maybe it had happened so long ago that she could find the humour in it and imagine what he really looked like.

The two went to the dairy section and Courtney grabbed a bag of milk. They then walked to the chip aisle. "Pick what you want," She said and they looked for everyone's favourite flavours.

From the aisle over, Mackie could hear a conversation, Courtney didn't seem to be bothered to listen. "Nathan is sending his weakest people to challenge Leland, I can't believe he's wasting his time on them." The voice belonged to Zephan so Mackie quickly found the chips he wanted, Doritos, and followed close to Courtney through the store, which was small. "It really gives him a bad rep when Leland wins every fight, and with barely lifting a finger. Though I do feel bad for him, the poor guy hates fighting."

"I know," The other voice belonged to Theon and Mackie was suddenly very thankful that Courtney came with him. "Nathan doesn't send his posse over to Kester, just us. Do you think your mom or dad ever did anything to him?"

Mackie imagined Zephan shrugging. "Maybe they were just too nice to him in high school," He laughed. "But no one knows who Kester's son is so it's not like someone can challenge him."

"You're right," Theon said but there was something missing in the ghost of his voice. "That's a mystery I would like to solve. I am actually surprised Nathan doesn't obsess with him since his son is nowhere to be found."

"I hope I find out who he is before I die, so hopefully soon," Zephan said, and now that Mackie could see them, Zephan had a tint of fear in his brown eyes, like he thought about the death subject a lot.

Theon nudged his arm, "You aren't going to die until you're an old raisin."

Zephan let out a long breath, "I hope so man."

Courtney gave her things to the cash register, four bags of chips, a bag of milk, and some Cheerios for breakfast. Mackie watched Theon and Zephan leave the store, already paid for their things. He left shortly later, carrying two grocery bags for Courtney. "I've never seen Theon talk like that before, so normal."

"Who, our neighbour?" She asked and he nodded. "I don't think he's that bad, just protective over his family. Leaves him looking like a stone-cold killer."

Mackie rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't put it past him. He's always hated me."

They walked in silence until they made it back home. Theon was alone sitting on his front porch, his eyes never leaving Mackie. Courtney unlocked the door and he took a quick glance at his grumpy neighbour, who shockingly motioned Mackie over with a wave. "I'll meet you inside, Court," He gave her the two bags and walked towards the Jagger's yard but stopped before he crossed the property.

Theon tried to hide his smirk but he let it fade as he pointed to an object on his grass. Mackie slowly let his eyes wander and his heart thumped when he saw that one of Fawn's dolls had been thrown onto their property. "Are you going to get it?" Theon said. He didn't realise he had been staring at the doll for so long. Just like Theon wanted, or not wanted, Mackie crossed his yard and retrieved the doll but when he looked up, golden brown eyes matched his at the side of the Jagger's house.

He looked at Theon with a gasp and pointed to the creature at the side of the house that lurked a little too close, "W-wolf!"

"Shit," Theon cursed and it was so close to a whisper Mackie wondered if he was supposed to hear. "Go inside."

He didn't notice Theon beside him until he felt a hand on his shoulder, pushing him towards his house. He listened to Theon, and when he looked back at the spot where the wolf was, it was gone.

"That's why you don't go into the woods, Mackie."

To Theon, that was the nicest thing he had ever done for Mackie. To Mackie, it was the scariest.

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