Chapter 13: Alpha

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Chapter Thirteen

"Soulmate," Mackie read out loud, looking off of his phone. "A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner."

Sunny walked ahead of him, "Try looking up soulmates with werewolves, see what comes up."

Mackie sighed, "I still don't understand."

It had been one week and they were walking through the woods, preparing themselves to see if Marshal really was one of them. Sunny said he still acted normal. He went to work and came home at the normal time. He could only hope from here on out that his dad didn't hold that big of a secret.

Sunny was holding a stick, swatting away leaves that were too close to him and Mackie followed blindly. "I think I'm getting used to the idea of it. I mean it's still really confusing but it doesn't sound that bad anymore. I just don't think I'm prepared to see them shifting again, that was a little much."

"I wish they could take my memory away from that but I would still like to know about them," Mackie said, putting his phone away. He trotted beside Sunny. "Do you think vampires are real?"

Sunny's blue eyes brightened, "that would be so cool. Mermaids too!"

Mackie laughed, "Witches?"


Mackie stopped walking and looked around, he pointed ahead of him and Sunny stopped, "That's their house."

Sunny frowned, "more like a mansion."

Mackie looked at him, "Right."

They walked close and hid behind a large tree when the packhouse was closer in sight. They could see the whole front of the building, including the garage. "Do you think your dad's truck will be in the garage?"

Sunny shrugged, "it's dark in there so I can't see."

The front door started to open and they hid further behind the tree. A tall woman came outside, Mackie recognized her as Zephan's mom, and following her was their dad and Marshal.

Sunny gasped and Mackie covered his mouth quickly, "Shh!"

The woman looked around the woods but went back to her conversation.

Mackie shivered, "do you think she heard?"

Sunny shook his head, "I hope not. We need to go before we get caught. I've seen what I needed."

"Are you okay?"

Sunny shrugged, "Yes."

Zephan's dad cut from the conversation, he started walking, facing the tree they were hiding behind. "Is something there, Cliff?"

Cliff's eyes never left the tree. Mackie covered his own mouth and sank deeper behind the tree. He pointed in their direction and Zephan's mom stepped forward from behind him and the familiar sounds of bones snapping filled their senses. Her limbs started to bend backward, her skin grew fur and colored black and grey. Her nose turned into a long snout and she grew a tail from behind. She was a wolf before they knew it. And her eyes. Her dark brown eyes held gold.

Sunny grabbed Mackie's arm and pulled him up. They ran through the woods, heavy breathing mixing with the sounds of paws against the ground.

"I have an idea," Sunny said, breathing heavily. He held onto Mackie's arm tightly, not wanting to get split up again.

"It better be a... good one," Mackie looked behind and saw the big gray wolf. She was a mix of black and grey, but beautiful nonetheless.

"How long has it been since school ended?" Sunny said like he was talking to himself. "I don't think you're going to like this but I have a feeling that it will work."

They could feel her getting closer. Her breathing got louder and the sounds of her paws against the dirt increased. "What's... your plan?"

Sunny looked at him briefly, and Mackie got a glimpse of what was ahead of him. He could see Leland's face along with two others he couldn't see. He knew his plan now. "Leland!" Sunny yelled. "Leland! Help!"

"Sunny, why!" Mackie yelled, realizing that it was a bad idea they went into the woods as soon as school ended.

They had stopped running and Mackie was almost face to face with all three of them, Leland, Zephan, and Theon. Theon's school bag was filled with things, overstuffed.

Sunny pointed in the direction of the wolf, "She's chasing us!"

Leland stepped in front of them, "Mom! What are you doing?"

Mackie ripped his arm from Sunny's hold and backed away from everyone. "That was your plan, seriously!"

The wolf shifted and this time, Sunny and Mackie didn't watch. Leland looked at his mom back to Sunny, "Are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?"

Sunny shook his head, "Just startled. You said no one here would hurt us."

"I wouldn't hurt you," His mom spoke up. "But I did not recognize your scent, just that boy Mackie. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Mom, this is Sunny," Leland said and his mom smiled. Mackie didn't think she could so his nerves started to ease at the sight.

"It's nice to meet you, Sunny," her smile stayed. "I am Ruth, their mother, and the alpha to Pack Rose."

Sunny's eyes lightened, "You're their mom?"

"Yes," She laughed lightly. "Would you two like to stay for dinner? I can tell you many things about us."

Leland looked down, "you don't have to if you aren't ready yet."

"I think I'll go. I should get used to all of this and learn as much as I can. How can I make a decision with nothing?" He looked at Mackie. "Are you coming?"

Leland didn't hide his smile.

"I'm going home," Mackie had already started to walk away. "You have fun though."

There was a hint of bitterness in his tone. Sunny didn't comment on it and no one stopped him from leaving. 

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