Chapter 29: Secrets Out

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Chapter Twenty-Nine 

Neo woke up with a jump. By the smell alone, he knew that he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. He looked around the room. He laid comfortably on a fresh bed. A blanket covered him and he wore a fresh pair of clothes. Natural light came from the window and by the smell, he knew that he was not home.

Dishes were heard from another room. It sounded like a level below. Neo peeled the thick blanket off and pressed a foot on the ground. It made a creak and instantly, footsteps were coming towards the room he was in.

Ruth opened the door and Neo backed up onto the bed. He pressed his back against the headboard and Ruth dared to take one step forward. She held a white mug in her hand, the steam floating to the ceiling. "I have tea," she said and she walked towards the bedside table to set it down. Neo froze against the headboard.

He stared at the tea. The smell quickly wafted through the room. "Where's Devlin?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the tea. He hoped for a good response. He knew what the tea was for.

Ruth sat on the end of the bed. She sighed and held her hands in her lap, "You lost a lot of blood during the fight. Hazel healed you, Devlin asked her to."

Neo didn't say anything. A part of him was afraid to ask anymore questions. The first one was risky enough. What if Ruth told Nathan? The thoughts bubbled in his mind and he tried shaking them away. She wouldn't hurt him, he just knew it.

A creak sounded by the door and Theon stood there with another blanket. He didn't say anything but Neo perked up at the sight of him. "I see," Ruth said, standing. "Theon, you stay here with Neo. He seems to trust you."

She left the room and Theon took her place on the bed. "Here," he gave Neo another blanket.

"Where's Devlin?" He asked again, this time he had more hope for an answer.

"I don't know," Theon answered truthfully. "Hennessy told him to run and that's exactly what he did."


"Nathan isn't the only one who knows about your secret," Theon said, sighing.

"I want to be with him, not here," Neo leaned his head on his knees. He thought of Devlin and hoped that he was okay. "I don't want to be here."

"You're safe here," Theon offered a smile and Neo looked up.

"I'm scared."

"I know but Nathan can't get you here. We will protect you and if Devlin comes back then we will protect him too."

"Why?" Neo asked. "I'm a rogue."

Theon shook his head, his brown hair messily shaking to the sides. "You're not a rogue, you're an omega whose been put though torture and abuse. You can live here, Neo."

"I don't deserve this," he put his head down again, his white hair falling over his eyes.

"That's not true," Theon nudged his arm. "You saved a lot of people and if you stay here then you can save even more. Better yet, you can breathe without worry."

"I let people die, I couldn't save them."

"You mean Nathan let people die?" He raised an eyebrow. "Everything he made you do wasn't your fault. Believe me, I've made mistakes too, but I made myself a better person by moving away from them and doing better."

Neo nodded, "thank you."

"Don't mention it," Theon stood up. "Drink the tea, Alethea made it just for you, and come downstairs when you're hungry. Cliff makes good food."

Neo gave Theon a small smile and watched him leave the room.


Neo was dreaming. A cold sweat coated his body. Warmth rose on his skin and he felt like he was back at his old home with his parents. In the dream, his childhood home was burning to a crisp. He ran through the house, screams were coming from the inside. The dream wasn't vivid but it was enough to make him shake.

His parents didn't make it out.

"Oh Neo," Nathan's voice came out soft. "Come with me, I'll offer you my home."

"No!" Neo shouted. He wouldn't blindly follow him again. One time was enough. "It's your fault. It's all your fault!"

"Now now," Nathan cooed, stepping towards him. He grazed his hand on his cheek. "I would never do something that terrible to hurt someone. Just come with me, I have a special place for you."

"I'm not coming!" He yelled, his voice the loudest it's ever been. "You ruined my life and I'm not letting you do it again!"

Nathan's face twisted and suddenly, a hand was reached towards his face. The second it touched him, Neo's eyes closed and he opened them in a different place. He was in Devlin's bedroom.

Devlin's back faced him and Neo reached out. Devlin turned around with tears in his eyes. His shoulder was bitten into, blood oozing down his body. "You did this," Devlin said.

Neo backed away, "what?"

"You didn't heal me!" Devlin cried out a sob and Neo's heart felt like it was being squeezed. "I'm dead because of you!"

"No-no you're not!" Neo yelled back, fighting a cry of his own. He wanted to jump forward and hug Devlin. "You're not dead!"

"But I am and it's all your fault!" Devlin cried out a final time before Neo woke up, gasping for air. His body shook and sweat trailed down his forehead.

"Neo?" Theon was at the door. Neo pulled his covers to his nose. "You didn't drink the tea."

Neo's eyes widened and he sprung towards the mug. Despite it being cold, he chugged the tea and didn't breathe until it was finished.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Theon asked.

"Just a nightmare," Neo said. His breathing was more controlled now and the tea eased his nerves. "I miss Devlin."

"I don't, although I wish he was here with you," Theon found his spot on the bed and Neo welcomed him by moving his feet. "He's always gotten on my nerves."

Neo smiled, "he says the same about you."

Theon leaned forward and in a hushed whisper he said, "tell me his deepest darkest secrets."

Neo laughed, "I'm not telling you!"

"Come on!" Theon laughed. "You gotta give me something."

"Alright!" Neo shook his head, still smiling. Theon was glad he could get his mind off of the nightmare. "He can't swim."

Theon tried not to laugh and Neo could tell by the way a vein almost popped on his forehead.

They spent the night like that, laughing and keeping each other company. Theon tried to get out more secrets about Devlin but Neo refused after the first one. They shared stories and told jokes, and Neo fell asleep feeling a little bit better. 

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