Chapter 15: Alethea

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Chapter Fifteen

Sunny wouldn't stand for death, sickness, or turning rogue. He called Mackie a handful of times and each one left him on voice-mail. He didn't give up, calling one more time until the rings were silenced and no beeping came after. "Mackie, hello, can you hear me?" Sunny leaned forward in his bed, eager for a response.

He left Leland's house after having dinner with his family. Marshal came over to join them after finding out where Sunny was.

"Yes I can hear you, I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors could too and I just moved in so I don't need them hating me already," Mackie replied in a bored tone, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

"Can we talk?" Sunny waited for the faint yes before he continued. "Are you alone? No parents, no siblings, no–"

"I don't live with my parents, my niece is asleep and Elijah and Courtney are on a date," Mackie replied. "Yes, I'm alone."

"Good, we need to talk."

"Did they hurt you?" Mackie asked.

"No, they were great actually," he smiled to himself. "I just wanted to tell you something that I found out."

Mackie hummed from the other end, "And what's that?"

"Zephan is sick. He's not doing too well and if it keeps up he might die."

"Why are you telling me this?" There was frustration in his tone.

"Um because," he sighed deeply. "Because–"

"Spit it out, Sunny," Mackie sighed and Sunny imagined him to slap his forehead.

"Okay, I know you're not going to believe this but you need to. Please listen!" His voice turned into a plea. "He's sick because of you. I know that sounds crazy but he's your soulmate Mackie, and I was talking to Leland and his family and it's really not that bad. All you have to do is take back your rejection and Zephan won't be on his deathbed anymore."


"Wait!" He expected to hear the beeping after Mackie hung up but they didn't come, so he relaxed his shoulders and lowered his voice. "They aren't bad people, Mackie."

"Listen, Sunny," he paused to cough and it sounded dry and painful. "I don't know what you saw, I don't know what they told you but, leave me out of it. If Zephan really is that sick then take him to a doctor, not me."

"It's not that simple!" Sunny yelled, desperation coming back into his voice. This time, he hung up and Sunny's ears filled with beeping.

And although Mackie didn't hear him out, he gave Sunny an idea.


The pack doctor lived in a small white house with a blue roof. She had beautiful flower beds on each side of the front door. There was a trail leading to the back of the house that was walled with brushes and trees, and more flowers.

Sunny had found her through Lola. He asked her about the pack doctor and where he could find her. Lola was happily there to help. Hovering a hand over the door that matched the roof, Sunny pulled back and jumped before he could knock.

"Hello?" He turned to see a woman, as old as maybe Ruth and Cliff. She wore light blue denim overalls and a mint green shirt. Her short black hair was put into a ponytail which her blue eyes stood out against.

Sunny gathered his courage and smiled at her. "Hi, do you by chance work for someone named Ruth?"

The woman stared at him without blinking, her blue eyes piercing through him strongly. She suddenly snapped out of her daze and nodded her head, mirroring Sunny's smile, "Yes, I do. I'm not sure I know you though."

"I'm Sunny," he held out his hand and the woman shook it with her free one. She held a basket of herbs in the other.

"Would you like to come inside and talk?" she looked around her. "No one can hear, I know you understand."

Sunny nodded and followed her inside. She set the basket down and took a seat on the couch. Her house was filled with natural light, Sunny felt right at home. She had herbs growing on the windowsills and the room was filled with incense, Sunny didn't know what scent. The couch was grey and there was a light green fluffy rug under his feet. Her house was beautiful but the only thing that bothered Sunny was that there were no pictures on the walls, not even of herself.

He felt something soft brush against his side and he laughed at the black cat that purred against him. "Her name is Tulip," The woman said, giving Sunny a glass of water. She sat on the opposite side of the couch and Tulip lay on her lap.

"What's your name?" Sunny asked, embarrassed that he didn't ask sooner.

"Alethea," She looked at him with a smile, her blue eyes once again piercing through him.

"Your name is beautiful."

"It means truth–honestly," Alethea looked into her glass of water. Sunny imaged her eyes to reflect against it. "Some say the only thing someone has is their word. Why are you here, Sunny?"

He spoke, his words a jumbled mess. He still wasn't used to everything but he tried. "my friend–well my friend's brother... he's actually my soulmate... my soulmate's brother is sick because his soulmate rejected him and I was hoping you would have something that could make him better."

Alethea stood up, "I will be back."

She headed towards what looked like the kitchen. Sunny could only see a glimpse of a pearly white counter. Tulip meowed for his attention and Sunny petted her behind her ears, as she seemed to like.

Alethea came back with a glass jar of what looked to be mixed herbs and spices. She gave Sunny the jar and sat back on her seat. "Tell him to drink a tablespoon of this with a cup of warm water every three hours. When he runs out, I will give him more. Unfortunately, his soulmate must reverse the rejection before he can be completely healed."

"Thank you so much!" Sunny held onto the jar tightly, knowing that it was the only relief for Zephan. "How do you know this will work?"

She laughed lightly, "Pack Rose is not my only patient. I work for Kester as well." Her smile faded slightly. "I don't work for his pack though, Kester likes to be secretive, always has. I do things like this for him and he uses them for himself and his pack. Lots of his pack members have said many good things about this, so I know it works. "

Sunny looked at the jar. He couldn't tell what herbs were in it. A mix of greens that all looked the same. They were dried, not fresh, better for tea.

"I'm glad that I could help you. Send my wishes to that boy. I hope that everything turns out well for him."

Sunny stood and smiled his way to the door, "thank you, I'm sure Zephan will be very grateful for this."

Alethea's eyes nearly popped from her head, "did you say Zephan?"


"That must mean Leland is your soulmate?"

"Yes, he is. It's still very new to me, it's weird calling someone my soulmate," Sunny laughed. "I am getting used to it, it's pretty amazing."

"I bet it must be," her eyes found their sparkle again and Sunny left, excited to help Zephan and see Leland again. 

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