Seaweed Brain

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Author's note:

Hola! (btw I'm not Spanish!)

This is my first story, and it's about the greatest demigods of our time travelling into the past to warn camp half blood about a danger....

oh and I (sadly) do not own Rick Riordan of his characters :(

hope you guys like it!


Percy P.O.V:

I was sitting at the Poseidon table, by myself, reflecting on the events that took place today...

1.My first capture the flag. I mean, what can I say? I thought that it would be like a game of tag, and it was I guess, except if you call a normal game of tag shooting anyone who comes near you with arrows, so that they end up looking like a mutant porcupine, or cutting people ✨miLdly✨ so it doesn't harm them. What's up with that?! How is that even possible? Oh I'll just cut you here and here, so that it hurts but it's not deadly? Are there certain places you can cut someone to  hurt them, but also to not classify as harmful? Like , 'Your honour I did not maim this man because I only cut him here and here, and according to section- I'm getting side tracked.

Anyway, my role in the Grand Scheme of Things, was to end up looking like a mannequin in a history museum.( I've been to one, surprisingly, and nearly got killed by my algebra teacher, who turned out to be a leathery bat woman thing! 1 star. Do not recommend). Apparently I was part of the defence, but how they expected me to move around with like 20 kilos of metal on me, I don't know, but at least I wasn't part of attack with that thing on. Like, Imagine trying to be stealthy, whilst wearing that?

So, I just stood there, trying to look menacing whilst trying not to crumble under the weight of my armour. How is it armour if IT kills YOU?  Isn't it meant to protect you? But , how can it protect you from itself which is trying to kill you? Anyway, soon Clarisse came. I know. I'm going to die. |People don't forget you covering them in toilet water so easily. That's what I thought too. But noooooooo. Being PeRsAsSy, i just had  to sass her, and end up winding her up even more. ( I know, I'm so brave! It's in my genes :I ) So, then she came after me and I just ended up beating all of them whilst dying in my armour, snapped Clarisse's spear and discovered my water powers, blah blah blah. No Biggie. Ok, who am I kidding, I couldn't actually believe myself that I had done all of that. But the worst part was that suddenly, Annabeth herself just appeared out of nowhere, holding her Yankees cap.

Like, eXcUse mE?

You couldn't HELP me , who was trying not to die, but you could watch me? I was so mad. But then, something happened. I got attacked. By a hellhound. OMG I KNOW. It tried to kill me, but Chiron shot it with arrows. I, meanwhile, fell into the river, about to faint from the pain and dizziness. however, as soon as I touched the water, I felt awesome! I suddenly had so much energy, that I could run a mile.( Note how I say I COULD, not I WANT to). Annabeth ( obviously it's her) tells me to step out the water. and I do. I then feel like I'm going to faint walking a metre far, let alone running a mile. The she tell me to step back in. Make your mind up!  I bet after making me go, in, out, in, and out, she's gonna make me shake it all about. She didn't, actually. But she did call Chiron. He also made me do the hokey pokey. Then, the second important event of today happened.

2. I got claimed. By Poseidon.

So now, I'm sitting at the Poseidon table, all alone. Eating blue pancakes with blue maple syrup, and blue cherry coke. Just as I'm about to shove a pancake into my mouth, a blinding white light shone, and I mean BLINDING. It's as if the sun came down to earth. ( heheh- about that Percy... # ToA)

The Whole camp covered their eyes instinctively, and just as quickly as the light came, it left.

I opened my eyes, and couldn't believe the sight in front of me.( that's happened too many times this week).

Hope you liked it! sorry if it is a bit short, i ran out of ideas and I'm meant to be doing some prep ( or homework, whatever) right now. Oh flip. I gotta go! see you soon!

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