Reunited Once More

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I just finished writing one of my other fics and I'm really happy about it bc it drained me fr. But now I can finally get back to my rewrites>:)
also enjoy Kurapika content ig


The grass was soft on my skin and the sun was bright in the sky. The clouds were fluffy looking and the wind was gentle. It was calm. Well, about as calm as it'll be with Gon and Killua. The two sat with lots of food between them while I sat beside Killua, simply enjoying the nice and beautiful day. The two began to have an eating contest, who ever ate the most won.

"Kurapika!" Gon exclaims with his mouth full as I look to see Kurapika approaching us, he seemed to be in a daze.

My eyes widened as I noticed how familiar, yet how different he looked. He seemed a bit paler and he had dark circles under his eyes, probably from a lack of good nights sleep. His clothes were different and his hair was longer...yet his eyes...were dull...but he was so pretty.

"I'm glad you could make it!" Gon exclaims, "the Troupe is dead. So this means you can focus on your main goal! That being, finding the eyes of your clan."

I noticed Killua grab the pie that sat on the ground, "don't do it, don't do it."

Killua picks up the pie and sneakily goes up behind Gon. "If there's anything we can do to he—." Killua then smashes the pie into Gon's face which makes Gon rush after Killua, the two playfully yelling and chasing one another.

I smile and watch the two fondly. I look over at Kurapika and usher him to sit down beside me. He seemed hesitant for a moment before eventually joining me.

"Scared I might hurt you?" I ask.

"Of course not. It's just been quite a while since we've last seen each other." Kurapika explains, his gray eyes on Killua and Gon.

"It's been like...three months or something. I don't think that's been 'a while.'" I say, "anyway, you look nice. I like the hair."

"My hair?" He questions before taking a strand of his hair, "it's the same as it was before."

"I meant the length. It makes you look prettier than you already were." I admit before leaning in, "don't tell Killua I said that though."

"Oh, are you two...?"

"Ehh?" I shrug, unsure of what to say. "It's complicated. He says and does things that makes me think he likes me, but then does stupid stuff. I have no idea what we are."

"Oh. I see."

"I think he's more interested in platonic than real, but I'll take what I can get." I smile, "anywho, how have you been besides...all of this?"


"Just 'okay?' Not spectacular...or amazing?"

He shakes his head, "not necessarily. But I'm glad to see you three haven't changed. That makes me glad."

"Well of course we haven't, we're kids." I say, "we do what kids do. Anyway, I heard about your nen ability...I think that's pretty cool. It's a lot better than mine." I say to the blonde.

"Have you learned nen?"

I nod, "yeah. I offered to teach those two but they refused to let me. I'm sorry if they caused you an inconvenience."

"It's alright." Kurapika says.  "What is your ability?"

"I can teleport. It's useful for many situations, but I'm not very good at teleporting more than just myself yet. I did it once with Killua and I almost died." I jokingly say, "that's why I didn't teleport us away when kidnapped by the Troupe, that and Killua wouldn't allow me to."  

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