The Only Exception

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A/N: uh oh original chapter title😨🫵


I stumbled into Killua a bit as I felt light headed. "Sorry. It was probably a bad idea to teleport. I forgot how much it takes out of you."

I shake my head, "it's okay. I've got to endure it if I want to become stronger." I then mutter out an apology to Killua and stand straight up, "I know of a place where they sell decently good food. I found it when I first came to York New."

Killua followed me through the streets of York New as street lights flickered on. The sun was beginning to go down which made the city a bit colder.

"Chiffon...Cafe?" Killua reads aloud as he eyes the sign.

"Yeah. The atmosphere is nice and we can get warm here. Cuz I don't know about you, but I'm a bit cold." I say opening the cafe's door as we're flooded with the smell of coffee and covered in warmth. I hum in satisfaction.

"Do you want—?" Killua starts but I shake my head.

"No. I'm okay. You keep it. You're wearing a tank top under it." I say as I walk over to the counter to read over the menu.

"But I'm not going to die from the cold. My body can handle—."

I glare at Killua and cross my arms, "you're still human Killua, despite your assassin background." I turn back toward the menu, "anyway what are you going to get?"

"Uh...I think maybe a hot chocolate. You think they make it out of Choco Robots?" He curiously asks.

"Doubt it. But you should try it. I think I'm gonna get a warm drink as well. I just haven't decided what yet." I admit as Killua hums with a nod.

He walks up to the counter and puts his order in for a hot chocolate. I then order next with my warm drink.

The lady behind the counter smiles, "wonderful choices. Can I get a name?"

"Y/N." I responded.

"Alright, that'll be ten Jenny." She says as I pay for the drinks.

"Y/N, I was gonna—."

"Nope! I paid. I don't want to hear you arguing with me." I say walking away from Killua to find a table.

"But you've already done so much for me already. I haven't done anything for you." He admits, "you've got to let me pay for something."

"You've done so much for me already though. You taught me how to fight and defend myself, and you taught me how to love again." My eyes widen and my cheeks heat up. I place my hands over my mouth. What is wrong with you?! Why did you say that?!

"I-I think our order is ready. I-I'll be back." Killua awkwardly says as he walks away.

I groan and place my head onto the table as I look over in Killua's direction. Why did I say that? Are you trying to tell him that you like him? You've made it awkward now.

"H-Here's your drink." He says sipping his drink as he sets mine on the table.

I lift my head and down my drink as he sits across from me. Say something! Try not to make it more—

"The lady at the counter said we were a cute couple."

Why is he making it more awkward?!

"Actually, I've come to realize I don't know much about you Y/N." Killua speaks up, changing the subject.

"Huh?" I blink, "of course you do."

He shakes his head, "I really don't know. I know that your family owns a bakery and that you're from a small village. You know so much about me. It doesn't seem fair."

Romantic Lover(Killua X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now