1. Strings of the Guitar

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Muse's pov

When I was a young boy of 9, I found myself standing at the funeral, my heart heavy with grief. It was a devastating moment, knowing that my parents had tragically lost their lives in a plane crash on their way back home from a business trip.

I tried my best to hold back my tears, focusing on consoling my younger brother who couldn't help but cry.

In that moment, our Granny, a source of comfort and strength, wrapped her arms around us, providing the warmth and support we desperately needed.

The atmosphere was filled with a profound sense of sorrow, as we grappled with the immense loss and the weight of our shared pain.

As I returned home with my granny and brother, a heavy weight settled in my heart. I couldn't bear to see them worry about me, so I quietly excused myself and locked myself in the bathroom.

The tears flowed freely as I let out all the pain and sadness that had been building up inside me. Each sob echoed through the small space, a release of the emotions I had been holding back.

As time passed, a newfound sense of responsibility began to take hold of me. I watched my grandmother, who should be enjoying her old age, selflessly caring for my brother and me.

It was then that I realized I had to give my family my all, to be there for them just as they had been there for me.

In those moments of solitude, I found solace in my dad's guitar. The guitar was more than just an instrument; it was a connection to my dad's past, when he used to play in a band during his university days. He told me that he met my mom during one of his concert.

Though the guitar wasn't technically mine, it felt like a connection to me, a way for us to communicate without words.

With my dad's guitar slung over my shoulder, I made my way to the nearby park, eager to play a song that held a special place in my heart.

As I strummed the strings, the familiar melodies filled the air, resonated with the trees and the gentle breeze. Each note carried a piece of my dad's spirit, bringing a sense of comfort and connection.

Lost in the music, I closed my eyes and let the melodies take me on a journey, just like my dad used to do.

When I first Played the guitar It was as if the guitar understood the depth of my emotions, and together, we created a harmonious bond. With each strum of the strings, I poured my heart into the music, expressing the feelings that were too difficult to put into words.

Playing his guitar was not only a way for me to honor his memory, but also a way to keep his passion alive within me.

The guitar became my confidant, my source of strength, and my outlet for expression. Through the music, I found a way to navigate the complexities of grief and responsibility, channeling my emotions into something beautiful.

Since then the music carried my hopes, my dreams, and my determination to be there for my family. The music understood my untold feelings and became a best friend of mine.

So, I wanted to create my own melodies which can bring comfort to others. I decided to be a composer.

"Hey Muse!! Did you send your entry to the G entertainment? I heard it's the last date today." A boy suddenly showed up and sat beside Me on the bench. I realised it's Kane my best friend.

"Not yet. As you can see I'm working on my melody right now. I'll send one when it's done" I replied.

"I know you are gonna be selected for this competition. I can't wait for my best friend to win this. I'm excited to hear your music singing by famous artists of G entertainment." Kane said.

"Damn bro, I haven't even sent my entry yet. How can you blindly trust my melody." I chuckled.

Kane stood up and announced, "Because my best friend is indeed one of a kind. You are a ray of light, the love of my life, brightest star in the sky."

I kicked Kane to shut him up as he was embarrassing me, "Shut the fck up bro. Stop it." I ordered.

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