19. Wild Giants vs Rebel Warriors

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The stadium pulsed with anticipation, a living, breathing entity.

The Wild Giants versus the Rebel Warriors, a rivalry etched in history, fueled by pride and passion.

The crowd, a sea of faces, leaned forward, eyes wide, hearts pounding. They weren't merely spectators; they were part of the drama unfolding on the grassy stage.

Muse, clad in a Wild Giants T-shirt, sat with his friends, Yuri and Kane. Their cheers echoed through the bleachers, a chorus of anticipation. Muse's gaze darted to the field, where the players warmed up. His lover, Leo, stood there, determination etched across his face.

Beside him, Hong, Leo's close friend and confidant, fidgeted. Hong wasn't playing, he couldn't risk an injury before his upcoming MV shoot.

But loyalty ran deep, and he'd chosen the sidelines over the spotlight. His eyes scanned the field, seeking out familiar faces.

"Oh Hi, Muse" A cheerful voice came behind him.

"Hi, Hong?" Muse said as he looked at the gorgeous male standing just beside him.

"Watching Your Lover. What a supportive Boyfriend you are," he said and smiled while looking at the university football team, who were exercising their inter-state match which was going to be held in a few hours.

"Yes, He told me to be there for him." Muse chuckled as he looked in front waving his Hand to Leo.

"Yeah, Before he used to call me, Look how Fast night changes." With those utterances in a tone of somewhat little higher than usual, Hong was still looking in front. Hands Folded in front of his chest, absolutely having an unfaded gaze.

"You guys must be clos-e?" And with the Fazed expression he looked at Hong from his Peripheral vision trying to understand the statement.

"We Were." Hong met his Eyes while he smiled.

Muse nodded with a clouded head. All the noises faded in the background. His orbs lowered. Feeling a slight discomfort in the sudden change of aurora.

"Hey, I'm going now, tell me if Bran or Arthur meets you." Suddenly Muse comes back from reality as Hong places his hand on his shoulder tightly. Once again he nods.

A few minutes later Muse's heart was beating rapidly.

"Are you going to eat him from your eyes?" Kane teased.

"Isn't my boyfriend sexy?" Muse proudly replied.

"He is coming here. Looks like you have seduced him enough, he can't take anymore." Yuri chuckled.

Leo started to move towards his direction. Leo was sweaty from the intense pre-game, but his smile shone brightly as he hovered in front of him.

"Hey Big Man. Last Game Before Final. How are you feeling?" Muse also reciprocates the smile. Taking the bottle out of his bag.

"With my little boyfriend here. I am feeling all energetic" he passed a toothy grin. And drinks the water. Muse secretly glances at his moving Adam's apple.

"Stop looking at me like this, I might Devour you in front Of everyone," he says to Muse and rests his head on the shoulder.

"Ah, Cheesy." Leo moves to his neck and kisses on it Slightly.

"Shameful Brat Don't do that In public. Others are here too." Muse Punches his Chest in embarrassment. A light red hue appears on his Cheeks.

Kane and Yuri shifted their eyes out of embarrassment and talked rubbish, so they would not interrupt these cute couple.

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