13. Subway

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A message popped up in notification making Leo jump on his toes. He swiped on his screen to open the inbox it was a reply from Muse, agreeing to come over for the date.

Text message:



"I'll be there on time (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)"

"Good night Leo ╰⁠(⁠*⁠'⁠︶⁠'⁠*⁠)⁠╯"


Darkness was enchanting with stars in the sky. It was midnight. After all, squeaking and blushing Leo finally decided to get some sleep. Until "WHAT THE -" he felt something on his legs. Twirling. Slowly making the way towards his lower half. Leo's eyes shouted open after the weird sensation. "oh my god!" he slowly whispered his gaze fixed as the duvet cast aside. "Mus-e?"

Muse grinning ear to ear. He looked beautiful. Nevertheless "hold u-p, What are you doi-ng in my be-d?" Leo nervously asked, not that he didn't like it muse there but why? Leo was lost in the haze. Suddenly Muse Did something unexpected, without giving time to Leo for processing about what he was going to do. "B-aby, Why aren't you sayin-g anythin-g?" Leo once again shuttered when he felt Muse's finger gliding through his waistband. Sensually tracing the ab line.

Leo nervously chuckled. Muse showed him his face. Eagerness to get something more like to devour, It was all showing in his eyes. Leo's shaft twitched. His lower tightened. Muse was there on his knees all pretty pulling the clothes away. Leo froze, he couldn't comprehend what was happening. His breathing became uneven when Muse softly touched his hard manhood. He started to caress the shaft slowly. Pre-liquid began to visible. Leo's cheek turned into a bright shade of red. "Fuck !" he let out a low voice. In one go Muse pulled out boxers too.

And Leo's sprung out, Standing proudly in front of Muse's face. It skimmed like they belonged to each other. So captivating together. Muse's back arches inward as his lower body settles upward giving the full view of his curves to the hungry wolf looking at his prey who was lost in euphoria, too arouse to think about anything. "Ah-h!" Leo moaned, Muse's slender finger Gripped his unattended Shaft. He started to stroke it. One time, second time, third time-

"Knock" "knock"

"WAKE UP IT'S 9!!!" Sol shouted in frustration from outside knocking continuously on the door. She tried to wake his bigger brother for more than 2 hours. Wasn't he going on a date today why isn't he opening up? Different Questions began to form in her mind. On the other side of the gate.

Leo grumbled and rubbed his eyes. "WHAT THE HELL IT WAS A WET DREAM!!" he screamed. Then his gazes went near the bottoms. They were wet. "Nightfall, damn it, you lousy teenager idiot!" he spoke out to himself while gritting teeth hard together.

"WAKE UP IDIOT DO YOU WANT YOUR FIRST DATE TO BE WAITING MUCH!?!!" once again Sol yelled from outside.

Listening to her sister's voice."Damn, he is driving me crazy" Leo stood up stretching his body.

"Sol, is this right?" he asked for 4th time changing different outfits. Leo wanted to be perfect for his date. But nobody told him deciding an outfit would be this hard. In frustration, he grabbed his hair slightly facing the wall.

Sol watching him disgustingly crossed her hands above her chest, stomping on her foot. "Leo, You are damn pathetic." She went near the sulking buff body and sprayed a Cologne on his body. "Lu stop acting like a high schooler. This fit looks so good. Now off you go, big brother." She showed him a fighting gesture and smiled.

Text message:


"I am going to arrive in 15 mins. Be ready.



He quickly typed and slumped back to his seat. Four more stops were there before he arrived at station. His body relaxed, a wave of satisfaction ran through it. Leo's mind went to the unforgettable dream. A muscle on his cheeks feathered in the form of a slight grin.

Soon he reached where Muse was supposed to enter by the subway. The gate opened and a lot of people entered.

After slumping back to his seat, There were still 15 min left to arrive at the station where Muse was waiting for him. He closed his eyes and started to think about the dream he had last night unknowingly a feather of muscle crept onto his face as a small grin.

Soon he reached the station. A lot of people entered but his gazes were fixed on only one person. His radiant beam of light. Disappointed searching. He couldn't find Muse. Beating of his heart fastened up. His hands reached toward the Phone, Dialing Muse's Number. His eyes start to look around in anxiety.

Looking around the platform. A Silhouette also roaming around in confusion. Leo knew by one look, that it was him. His cream clothes, White hair locks covering his whole forehead, rose lips, freckles of cinnamon. It was him. His blue eyes looking everywhere like a lost puppy for his owner.

Leo chuckled at the cuteness of his Bambi. He slowly went behind. And got a jumpscare by that Little man,


He turned as he clenched his hand in anger.



"Omg sorry I didn't mean to."

Leo was embarrassed by his own cursing as he didn't know that he was almost going to beat the shit out of his favourite angel.

Muse started to ramble after almost getting a heart attack. His hands were on his chest to calm the fast beating. Leo smiled and creased Muse's hands slowly in awe.

"Hey Bambi, Sorry to scare you." Leo let out in a loving voice. Muse nodded an evident Blush of cherry red appeared. Leo Found it more Beautiful. His Bambi was Beautifully ethereal even though of his manly features.

"Let's go." Muse couldn't handle the proximity between them too much heat only for hand touching. His body was responding to mere touches. Muse quickly moved backwards grabbing his hand toward the other subway train.

Leo let him do whatever he wanted until "Do you have any idea where we are heading to?" he questioned.

"H city gallery near our college?." Muse proudly said before even realizing it wasn't the art gallery.

"Muse. We are not going to college for god sake. It's an art gallery in the south part of the H city." Leo said before changing the platform.

Muse Awkwardly nodded while being manhandled by Leo.

"Oh Damn it!" The whole subway was filled with people. Muse grumbled under his breath.

Leo behind him protectively shields his little one. Glaring at everyone who came near them. Unaware muse moved backwards.

"Are you seducing me In front of everyone? Hmm. Muse." Leo breathed across the naked nape of Muse and locked them in a back hug when other people from the train came out.

"No, it was jus-t I-I Stumb-led."

Muse felt his body quiver once again. Leo was like a sweet sap. The sap that was forbidden. Nevertheless, he still yearned for it. Only for himself. Only for him. Once Muse desired to be greedy.

Without realizing Muse and Leo were together at the corner standing by each other. Holding on to the bar for stability.

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