21- Brave confession

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As Muse began to prepare dinner, the kitchen transformed into a cozy haven of culinary activity. The countertops were clean and uncluttered, providing ample space for Muse to work.

Muse boiled a pot of water, adding a pinch of salt before tossing in the spaghetti. While the pasta was cooked, he minced some garlic and sautéed it in olive oil until golden.

Once the spaghetti was all done, Muse drained it and mixed it into the pan with the garlic oil.

He added a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for a bit of heat. After plating the pasta, he topped it with a generous amount of Parmesan and a garnish of freshly chopped parsley.

Whereas, Leo sat at the sofa with his eyes following Muse's every move.

There was a softness in his gaze, a smile playing on his lips as he watched his boyfriend pour love into the meal he was preparing. "What?" Muse glanced over, curious about the steady attention. "Just admiring my boyfriend," Leo replied, his voice carrying a note of pride.

Muse approached the table, balancing plates in one hand and bowls in the other. The clinking of cutlery accompanied his steps as he set the table. "It's done now. Try it and let me know what you think," Muse encouraged.

Leo didn't hesitate. He served himself a generous portion and took a hearty bite.

"Slow down! It's all yours," Muse chided gently, a hint of amusement in his tone.

But for Leo, the meal was more than just food.. it was a testament to Muse's care, making every bite special. To Leo, Muse's affection was everything, the very essence of his life.

"It's super duper amazingly delicious!!!" Leo exclaimed.

"You are exaggerating." Muse chuckled.

"Trust me!! It's heavenly! I'm blessed now."

Leo was gobbling down his meal with an eagerness that spoke volumes of Muse's culinary prowess.

Each bite was a burst of the flavors that danced on his tongue, so much so that a piece of food tumbled from his fork, landing with a plop on his pants, right on his thigh.

Muse's eyes widened in concern, and he sprang into action, "Oh no" he said.

He snatched a couple of tissues from the box and knelt beside Leo, his movements quick but gentle. "You are such a kid," Muse chided softly.

With careful strokes, Muse dabbed at the stain, the tissue sweeping back and forth over the fabric in a quiet rhythm.

Leo, caught in the moment, felt a warm blush spread across his cheeks. Muse's simple act of kindness, the attention he gave to such a small mishap, left Leo touched and a little flustered.

Muse, ever the independent spirit, finished his task and stood up, leaving Leo with a parting thought, "This is why I told you to slow down." His words were light, but they carried the weight of his affection, leaving Leo with a smile that lingered long after the moment had passed.

"Did you know what you woke up just now?" Leo with a voice deep.

"What do you mean?" Muse looked down and saw his hands had touched Leo's junior which was now causing him some irritation down there.

With a jump, "I'm... So.. sorry I didn't mean to!!" Muse said while hesitating. He was embarrassed and ran away towards the kitchen.

His ears were now all red. He covered his hand with his ears in embarrassment, "I.. should've been.. careful."

"Indeed." A deep voice came from his behind.

Muse turned back swiftly and found Leo, limped towards him.

Leo then spread his hands around Muse's waist, "Shouldn't you take responsibility for this, my dear Bambi?" He teased Muse right inside his ears with these words. His breath was hot.

"I- I.. what can I.. do for you..?" Muse asked, his heart beating aloud.

Leo slowly placed his hand beneath Muse's T-shirt and traced his chest. "Just stay still." He commanded.

Leo's hand was now touching Muse's nipples. He used his thumb to draw a circle around it. Making Muse let a soft moan, "Aah...Leo-" His other hand was admiring Muse's back. Leo drew himself closer to Muse's face and told him to keep his eyes open, "Look at me Bambi..why are you avoiding my gaze?"

"I.. actually.." Muse tried to utter.

"C'mon now, just stay it... I wanna hear it already." Leo's voice becomes rather deep when he whispers.

"Aahe...Leo!" Muse placed his both of his hands on Leo's shoulder respectively.

Muse pulled Leo closer, "Kiss me."

"You sure? You won't be able to stop me if we continue it."

Muse's heart was a drumbeat of resolve, no longer content with the cautious dance they had been performing.

He didn't want to go in circles now. He craved the immediacy of connection, the kind that words could never fully capture.

Muse had enough of playing it safe. He wanted to show his feelings right then and there, without waiting any longer with a breath that was part determination, Muse closed the distance between them. His lips parted a silent invitation and found their counterpart in Leo's. It was a gentle collision, a meeting of souls as much as a touch of mouths.

Their lips moved together in a rhythm as old as time, yet as fresh as the moment itself.

It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a passionate exchange that was both a discovery and a homecoming. Their tongues danced in their mouths tracing every bit of their mouths. With a lip lock, they took a pause and then sucked the lips harder than ever.

Leo's hands were finally free to move. With a calm and sure touch, he lifted Muse's shirt up. He didn't take it off all the way. The shirt hung around Muse's neck, leaving his back and chest open for Leo to see.

Leo parted his mouth and with a gentle yet firm grasp, he lifted Muse, carrying him with ease as if he were as light as air. The solid surface of the shelf supported Muse's weight, a silent witness to the quiet intimacy of the moment. Their breaths were heavy.. the fire was emerging between them.

Leo then decided to go down. He kissed Leo's collarbone gently and licked the center of his chest steadily. His tongue stopped right at his nipples.

The movement of going up and down tickled Muse which made him hold his breath and toes fold.

In The Name Of Love (BL)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin