8. Paper hearts

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The university was absolutely buzzing with Valentine's Day excitement! The art club was in charge of turning the campus into a love-filled wonderland. They were transforming every nook and cranny into a romantic paradise.

Muse, Kane and Yuri entered the university, as they walked through the hallways, they were greeted by a burst of vibrant colors.

Heart-shaped decorations hanging from the ceilings, swaying gently with the breeze. The walls were adorned with intricate paper cutouts of cupid, roses, and lovebirds, each one meticulously crafted by the talented members of the art club.

The courtyards were transformed into enchanting gardens. The pathways were lined with paper hearts on the boundary. There was noted hanging on the big tree at the centre for anonymous confessions on the valentine's being decorated for valentine's day.

Students were strolling some hand in hand, some enjoying the beauty of the surroundings. The sound of music filled the air as if love was in the air.

Muse, Kane and Yuri were observing all these scenarios taking place in front of them.

"So is this how they celebrate valentine's day here? Kinda nice." Kane said.

Yuri took a deep breath and started bouncing a bit while walking ahead of Kane and Muse. She took a deep breath and turned to Muse and Kane,
"I loved the vibes here. Can't wait for tomorrow." She said.

"Why are you excited? No one is gonna propose to you tomorrow." Muse teased.

Both Muse and Kane laughed. Whereas Yuri side eyed them.
"Actually I want to give something to Leo." Yuri declared.

"Do you think you are the only one who is planning that? Look at that huge line you'll have to stand at the end." Kane points in the direction where Leo and his friends were standing and the girls were admiring them, standing in a while damn circle around them.

Muse observed from afar he felt a bit uneasy. He mumbled, "Oh yes he is the man of their dreams. His popularity is normal. But why do I have heart palpitations."

He tried to avoid looking in that way and kept on walking.

"Guys let's be serious here. No one of us is gonna find our valentine's match today or tomorrow. So let's just go and find desserts to eat." Muse said.

"Yes I'm so ready for it!! But shit I don't have that much money." Kane replied.
"You only want to avoid paying this time too. You purposely keep less cash in both your account and pocket. Sneaky asshole." Yuri said..
"Hey!! That's mean." Kane complained.
Yuri made a teasing face and provoked Kane. Whereas Muse was spaced out when this conversation took place. Yuri called him to wake him up from his sweet dreams.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow?? Wait patiently for the Disney prince to show up?" Yuri asked.
"We will think about that tomorrow. I'm hungry I didn't have breakfast at all too. Let's go my treat!!" Muse said.

With that, we went on our way to the canteen. The sound of laughter and chatter fills the air as students excitedly discuss their plans for tomorrow.

The aroma of freshly baked goodies wafts from the cafeteria, where heart-shaped cookies and cupcakes were being prepared. The tables were covered in red and pink tablecloths, adorned with delicate flower arrangements.

It was as if the whole university had a theme for Valentine's Day. People were eagerly waiting for tomorrow to bloom the flowers of love in the garden of their hearts.

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