17. What is music about?

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Amidst the bustling crowd, the University's bulletin board stood like a beacon of anticipation. Kane, Yuri, and Hong, their faces flushed with curiosity, navigated their way through the throng.

There, in bold letters, the announcement glimmered: an Upcoming fest, promising excitement and camaraderie. Anyone could participate, and the grand prize, a tempting $250**, beckoned like a golden treasure.

"I'm really excited for this." A Student said. "It's our first fest!! Let's see how amazing it's going to be." Another student replied.

The campus buzzed with fervor. Students chattered, their imaginations ignited by the prospect of performances, competitions, and celebration. Faculty members, too, were caught up in the whirlwind, organizing, planning, and ensuring that this inaugural fest would be nothing short of spectacular.

Under the shade of a sprawling tree in the garden, Muse sat with his boyfriend. Leo lay nestled in Muse's lap, their fingers entwined, basking in the warmth of their connection.

Muse, a quiet observer, buried himself in a book, stealing glances at Leo whenever the words on the page allowed. The tranquility of that moment was their haven, a sanctuary from the world's chaos.

And then, like a sudden gust of wind, Kane and Yuri burst forth. Their excitement was palpable as they shared the fest news with Muse.

"WE ARE HAVING A FEST!!! IN OUR UNIVERSITY!!!" Yuri exclaimed. "And the highlighted part is the talent show worth $250. I think you should participate in that Muse!!" She continued.

Muse's eyes sparkled; he had longed for this chance. The stage beckoned, and his heart thrummed with the desire to perform. He envisioned himself strumming a guitar, pouring his soul into the strings, and captivating the audience.

"Yes, dude!! Go for it. Make them head over heels for you and your music." Kane encouraged Muse.

"I'll surely participate in it," Muse replied with happiness reflecting in his eyes.

"We are going home now. How about you two?" Yuri asked Muse looking at Leo if he was willing to let Muse go with them.
Leo sat up and held hands with Muse, he replied, "Well we will leave together. You guys can go first. We are leaving too."

Kane gave a side eye to Leo as he noticed that he was not letting them spend much time with Muse now. He felt his friend taken away. But he couldn't object to it. As his friend was happy in his relationship. So he didn't bother to say much and nodded in yes.


Kane and Yuri departed, leaving Muse and Leo standing hand in hand. But Leo's expression shifted.

His brow furrowed, and he hesitated. As they walked home, he broached the topic again, the fest, Muse's participation. His voice held a hint of concern, a plea for caution. "Muse," he said softly, "think twice. Is it worth it?"

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Muse grappled with Leo's words.

As they walked down the narrow lane, the moonlight illuminated the path, casting a soft glow on Muse and Leo's faces. The silence between them had become palpable, and Muse could feel the unease building up inside them. Leo seemed to sense it too, and he broke it by reaching out and taking Muse's hand in his. He gently stroked their knuckles with his thumb, and Muse felt a shiver run down their spine.

"Bambi, I asked you something," he whispered softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Muse lifted their gaze to meet Leo's, and they were struck by the intensity of his stare. His eyes seemed to be burning with a fierce passion, but at the same time, there was a hint of hesitation in his reflection that seemed to hold him back.

Suddenly, Leo stumbled upon a little boy who had been playing in the middle of the lane, and his brawny body collided with the child, knocking him down. "OH FUCK ARE YOU BLIND BASTARD!" he shouted in frustration, his voice echoing in the dead silence of the night.

Muse's heart went out to the crying child, and they rushed forward to help him up. But Leo grabbed their hand and pulled them away, his grip firm and unyielding. "He's just a child, Leo. Calm down," Muse said, trying to reason with him. But Leo was in no mood to listen, and he stormed off, his anger simmering just below the surface.

Leo enraged within tried to calm himself, He needed to say anything, something to stop, So it couldn't happen. "Muse They need to be taught from the beginning. What's right and what's not? Muse, I was also a Child. I loved music. I loved to play. Muse, My father broke the Violin, my mom gifted me on my fifth birthday. Bambi, I was just Five. I—I.."

A drop of tear Came out of his raven eyes. Muse Panicked. He never saw him crying. Ever. He didn't have time to comprehend anything. Taken aback by this display of emotion as he had never seen before without a second thought, he wrapped his lion in a warm embrace.

Leo's face lit up with a half smile that seemed to be made of feathers of muscle as he tightened the hug around Muse. "Muse, I love you so much that I can't bear to have another loss because of my past," he said, his voice filled with emotions that were way beyond understanding.

Muse's heart started racing with unknown feelings, and his gut felt like it was bouncing up and down rapidly. His heartbeat raced as if he had just run a marathon, and he struggled to calm himself down. He loved music, No he loved Leo more than anything else. And after seeing his lover breaking down in front of him, he knew that Leo was worth any price.

"Music is my passion." Muse said, wanting to make sure that this was what Leo truly wanted.

"Music tore my life apart, Muse. I wouldn't stop you from pursuing your passion, but I don't want any tragedy to fall upon us. People tend to look down on those who pursue their ardour with contentment. You understand that, right? Muse I wish you wouldn't do anything. Just be with me. I will love you the best I can. Muse understands Leo right? We love each other. Don't we?" Leo dropped his head on the hollow of Muse's neck as his hands roamed around his spine possessively, not caring about the open area.

"Yes, we do." Muse smiled and hugged Leo back. Then, he suddenly realized something and pushed Leo away. A blush started to creep up his neck and ears. "Leo, we're in public! Everyone is looking at us!" he exclaimed as he started to walk away towards the subway.

"So what? You are mine, and I am yours, And people should mind their business, not ours." Leo replied, following Muse like a lovesick puppy. His Bambi was easy to sway with love.

Author's Note:

Will do a Q/A session soon, if you want to ask anything feel free to drop your questions in the comments <3

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