12. Fuck it's love

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As the tragic night fell where he almost killed a random dude, Sol nagged Him till his ear blended into oblivion.

Moonlight descending from the window. A soft breeze passed through, ruffling the curtains. Little Dream catchers ringing its melody. A gift by his Little Demon. Sol.

The room was dark. Only a dim light from the night lamp across the room was visible.
Its soft glow casts a warm ambience in his room. A small Photofram on the left. Canvases on the Floor. Colours, paints and brushes lying on the bottom. His clothes spread in chaos.

However, Leo was finally at leisure on his bed. Hands behind his head. Looking up at the white ceiling. Smiling ear to ear. The scent of his boyfriend's cologne still lingered on his skin.

"He's so Cute," Leo let out happily. A Crimson red tint was evident on his face. He blushed earnestly. In the past, Leo had always been a bit guarded, keeping his emotions close to his chest but now He can't help but replay the moment from their little hand-holding in his mind, feeling his heart flutter.

"AhhhhhhhhhIwantmoreofhimwhymyheartisbeatingsorapidlygoshiaminsolove" He skimmed on his stomach yelling muffled words of sweetness into the pillow while his hands acted like drumsticks and bed was his drum. Just like a lovesick teenager. He was a mess. A lovesick mess.

"Should I bring him some flowers? Waffles? Chocolate? Muffins?" He once again flipped. Once again in the original position. Lost in his thoughts, Leo's mind began to wander, fantasizing about the countless possibilities of how he could bring bliss to his doe.

He needed validation. From Muse. His love. His boyfriend. "Boyfriend's, My Beautiful man. My man. My Bambi!" Words melted onto Leo's tongue like honey, as if it was supposed to be there solely, blushing and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I should message Him." Suddenly his mind clicked with anticipation. He looked to his side where his phone was charging. Grabbing with his veiny hand and impatiently opened the group chat. Finding his love's number in hundreds of people was now easy for him. He quickly saved the number and added a heart beside the name. 'LEO'S MUSE❤️'

He took a deep breath. Inhaling. Exhaling. Calming his nerves. And Finally typed.

Hey Baby Did you get home safe?
Are you free tomorrow?

He smiled and closed his phone waiting patiently for the reply. Until one more idea clicked in his mind. He got over the body-size mirror. Looking at his reflection. Examing face. Trying some hairstyles. And clothes that were previously scattered on the floor in a muddle.

"I Should do skin care," he said to himself as he started to walk out of the room. But he never did a skincare. "Sol" whispering to himself he tip-toed to her bathroom. The white walls were slightly moist with vapours. He glanced over the tub then in the self. Her necessities lined up perfectly.

"Retinol, Hyaluronic acid what's that?" looking all confused he started to grab serums toners scrubs and face wash one by one applying everything on his hands and face. Ultimately his visions were fixed on sheet masks lying on the back with a hair band.

"The day I met you, I started dreaming," he hummed as his hand grabbed the band. Leo wore the band and opened the packet to apply the mask. He hummed a satisfactory tone and started to make his way back to Room.


"WHAT THE FUCK! A FUCKING GHOST." Sol yelled from the top of her lungs.

Hearing her scream Leo flinched and turned his head in that voice direction's.

"WHAT ARE DOING HERE??? WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK!?!!" Leo asked as he literally burst the packet of face mask out.

Sol replied with her eyes wide as she couldn't believe the site she was witnessing, "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S LU!! MY LULU IS POSSESSED, SOMEONE HELP!!!" She started shouted.

Leo covered her mouth with his hands, "Are you crazy!?!!! You will wake our neighbours up!! Shhhh!! Keep it low! Why are you so surprised??"

"Because my Lu never do these kind of things!!! This is literally not like him!! Go away ghost!!"

"Oh c'mon. Shut up! I just wanted to try it."

"Why? Are you meeting someone special?" Sol teased her brother as she knew Leo could never care about skin Until or unless someone has spelled magic on him.

"Shut it already. It's none of your business." Leo tried to avoid her. He turned to the mirror and applied the face mask on his face.

"I can tell that these eyes are lying. Spill the tea hon, who caught your heart?"

"Shit this itchs.." he said while touching the mask on his face.

"C'mon Luuuuu!!! Don't be secretive. You are seeing someone right?" Sol was really curious about his brother's dating life.

Leo turned around and held her from her shoulders as he replied, "I have a date tomorrow. Just wish that everything goes well."

Sol didn't believe it at first. Someone as tough and cold like Leo is dating someone? He has headed over heels for someone? That sounds unreal to her. But noticing his brother's action making her believe that he has given his heart to someone.

"You sure that person is in love with you too?" Sol asked to tease him a little.

Leo turned to take a look at him in the mirror once again as he replied, "Ofcourse he is. Why wouldn't he? Even if he runs away from me I'll catch him and make him love me." That tone was serious. He wasn't kidding. He was determined to have Muse by his side. He wanted him to be his. Forever. For eternity.

Sol fliched a bit hearing that but she believed that her brother would've mean it in a positive way. She realised that Leo is taking this relationship seriously. He is ready to do the things he had never done before.

Sol wished him a luck for his date before going to the bed, "Ace it Lu! You've got this. You have all of my blessings."

She patted his brother's shoulders, smiled at him and went back to her room to get sleep. She screamed from the inside, "Make sure to have a good night sleep too!! Healthy sleep is important for a healthy skin!."

Leo hmmm her and went back to cook his cute and beautiful thoughts About his date. He was deciding what to say, what to do tomorrow. He wanted it be perfect. So, Muse can enjoy it and remember it forever.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow patiently.

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