11. Ice Cream?

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"Don't Run your pretty little head. It will melt. I only like one person." his hands moved toward Muse's hand and softly glanced at him.

It was at that very moment that the locks that had bound them together dissolved, freeing their spirits to soar amongst the stars.

Bare to angels above. To see. The true desire.


Leo's hands moved toward Muse's hand as he softly glanced at the little confused Bambi.

"And he is with me" Leo's expressions smeared into Muse's heart. A confession finally. Muscles on his face twitched into a smile. Genuine smile.

Meeting in each other's orbs, a soft grin ear to ear plays on their lips. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little bubble of love and bliss.

"Okay" the only utterance Muse could let out. The lights started illuminating their faces as Muse Finally held hands, their fingers intertwined.

The gentle wind rustled through the trees, adding a touch of enchantment to the moment.



Muse Leo looked at each other and then at the loud sound. Panic sets in.

Campus guard?


"Muse run!" they exchange a knowing look, Leo tightens the grip on Muse's hand and without hesitation and they break into a sprint, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Finally after a few minutes of running. their loud breathing blended with the rustling of leaves and the distant sound of the guards' footsteps. Soon after the Noise was finally gone.

"Oh, Damn Leo, wait wait." Muse almost out of breath huffed.

"Okay okay," his hands rested on his knees as he also Took deep breaths.

Once more they locked their gazes. But this time.

"Ha ha ha Your Face looks so red." Leo laughed. He didn't know the night was gonna be this Fun.

"Huh? Look at yourself, Baiboon" Muse Joined the laughter.

"BaiBoon, You said." Leo Halted toward Muse with a mischievous smile, his hands in position to Catch the prey.

Muse Showed him his tongue and Ran in the grass.

"Oh, You did not do that!"

"I did."

Moonlight started taking it's place in the sky. It was past 6 Pm now. They dash past towering trees, their branches reaching out like ancient guardians, providing them with fleeting moments of cover.

"Little Doe is captured." Leo finally captured him. His hands moved to his waist. Muse's Back was pressed on his Chest.

"Damn Bufallo!" Muse tried to wiggle out of the Back embrace. But instead, Leo plopped them onto the soft grass. Leo's back touched the ground he Had a protective Grip over Muse. So he wouldn't be hurt.

Until he starts to switch positions and On top of Muse his Hands-

"Leo Leo Stop."
"Stop Tickling"
"Haha you gonna pay for haha"
"This huhaha"

Muse let out in out breath. After So much long time he was finally feeling happy. Alive. Maybe in love.

"Muse hahuh"
"Naughty Brat"

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