3. The spring

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The sun shines brightly, casting a warm glow on everything it touches. Children run freely, their laughter echoing through the air as they chase butterflies and blow bubbles, their carefree spirits mirroring the essence of spring.

But perhaps the most enchanting aspect of spring is the sense of anticipation it brings.

Muse's Pov

As I submitted my entry, my mind thought of the time of new beginnings, of possibilities waiting to unfold. Just like the blossoming flowers and the awakening nature, we too can embrace this season of growth and transformation, allowing ourselves to bloom and thrive in the beauty of spring.

After pausing my thoughts I stood up and made my way to the convenience store to hand over the house keys to my forgetful brother, Nova.

Granny was out of town, enjoying her time with friends, so it was up to me to make sure Nova could get in later tonight. With a sigh, I pulled open the door of the store, hoping to find him inside.

There he was, busy arranging the shelves, completely oblivious to my presence. I stood near him, waiting for a break in his task. Finally, I caught his attention and handed over the keys.

Me: Nova, please don't forget to take these with you. I cannot always be there with you.

I reminded him, my voice tinged with a mix of frustration and concern. He replied,

Nova: Oh please brother don't be dramatic.

Me: I'm going now. Don't forget these here. Got it!

Nova: Yes sir!

With that taken care of, I turned to leave, my mind preoccupied with the project that needed to be completed. But as I started walking, a sudden movement caught my attention.

A towering figure passed by me, drawing my gaze. He was a strikingly built, tall guy, exuding an air of confidence and intrigue.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist stealing a quick glimpse of his face before continuing on my way. There was something captivating about him, a magnetic pull that left me momentarily spellbound.

My head tilted slightly as I pondered his presence, wondering who he might be and what his story entailed.

Shaking off the distraction, I came out of the store, reached for my phone and dialed Kane's number.

We had an important project to complete, and time was running out.

Me: Hello! Where are you?

Kane: At home. Have you submitted your entry yet?

Me: Yes, let's talk at your home. I'll be there in 7 minutes.


Leo's Pov

As I made my way back home, my mind was consumed by thoughts of that mysterious guy from the convenience store, I had a glimpse of.

There was something about him that struck a chord deep within me, and those eyes... they were familiar. It was as if I had seen them before, in a different time and place.

I couldn't help but be reminded of the boy I met in the park back when I used to live in XX town....

Back then when my father was beating my mother I came between them to protect my mother but my father got furious. So, my mother made me run away from the house to protect me from his beatings. I ran and ran and ran till I reached the nearby park. I hid under the slide and sat there until the sky started getting dark. It was cold.. but I had nowhere else to go. I closed my eyes and felt warm suddenly. As if someone covered me with a blanket.

I opened my eyes and turned my face, there was a boy wearing a black suit as if he came from a funeral. He covered me with his coat he must have seen me Shivering. I looked at the boy, he had beautiful eyelashes. It was the first time I saw a boy with long eyelashes. My attention went towards his lips when he asked me,

The boy: What are you doing here?

Me: Oh (I came back to my senses and continued)

Me: My parents are fighting at home. My mother made me run away to protect me from my father's beating. He is furious he would beat me to death. What about you? Did you attend a funeral?

Boy: I came to this town to attend my parents'funeral. They died in a plane crash... *Sigh* Anyways I'm here at this park for fresh air. We will be leaving this town early in the morning tomorrow.

Me: Sorry to hear that.

Boy: It's okay. This shall pass for both of us.

I poured my heart out, sharing the torment that had driven me to seek solace in the desolate park. It was me comforting others but that time I had someone to comfort me. And he, with a tender smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts, helped me to find solace in him, respite from the harsh realities that surrounded me.

As his grandmother's arrival shattered the tranquility, he left me with words that would forever echo in my soul:

Boy: You too Stay strong and protect yourself, your mother, and your sister. Take care friend.

And with that, he vanished into the night, leaving behind a profound impact on my wounded heart.

The memory of his smile, his comforting presence, and those enchanting eyes remains etched in my mind, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, a glimmer of compassion can illuminate the path forward.

I want to see that guy again.. It's just I have this tingling feeling acting all upon me.

A voice came: Lulu!!!

I came out of those thoughts and answered,

Me: Yes Sol?

Sol: Turn off the lights!! I know you are still up!! Go to sleep!!

Me: You should sleep too!!!

With that I turned off the lights and closed my eyes..

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