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(Trigger warnings: mention of self harm).

I don't know where I'm going, probably to my room, but I do know that I just want to be alone.

Just as I sprint down the hallway and inch closer to my room, the bathroom door opens, resulting in the new girl to bump into me.

Almost immediately, by instinct, I nudge out of the way to move past her when she grabs my wrist making me cringe at the coldness of her fingers and turn round to look at her.

The thing that I notice first of all, isn't the fact that she now has makeup on and looks gothic but that she's looking directly at my wrist and arm, just above where she grabbed onto me.

Most people would be looking at the thin and faded white lines scattered across them but instead, almost like the ugly marks are normal, [i would like ever1 to know that i dont thonk theyre ugly, this ius her pov] she's concerned about the bruising on me. Particularly the new one.

Usually, I'd have covered the bruises and scars up with arm warmers or long sleeves, maybe even jackets but since I wasn't expecting anyone new or to be going out, I just left it. It's nothing that the others haven't seen before.

"Hey, are you-," she attempts to speak but I cut her off before she can.

"I'm fine." Harshly, almost too harshly, I pull away my arm and continue towards my room before slamming the door shut.

Get the blade from your drawers and cut yourself.

My head shakes at the idea, trying to resist it.

The only distraction that I can think of is to use my phone. Plus, I can see who emailed me now that I have the free time.

The footsteps of Maggie are already heard by me so I spring into action before I check my phone, putting my desk chair up to the door to assure that she can't get in.

Ignoring her screaming at me, I open the app and check to see that my agent has texted me.

By 'my agent' I mean the person who I pay fifty pounds a month to tell me about casting calls and rolls which suit my criteria. I've never really had any major rolls. The biggest job I had was when I had a few lines in Tangled. I've been in plays and other stuff but they were never big and always flopped so unless someone is stalking me, nobody known my name.

His e-mail is quite simple, reading:

Hello Y/n,
I've recently received the information that a new Marvel film will be in production soon and they're looking for a 13 - 16 year old girl to play a lead role.
For comparison, they'd have about the same amount of screen time as Robert Downey jr would in an avengers film.
They have limited spots left for audition and I thought this to be the perfect chance for you.
Click the link below to audition.

"Holy shit." I mumble under my breath after finishing reading it and almost immediately pressing the link.

It takes me to an application form.

At this point, Maggie has gone back to the living room, at least where I think she went to, and so I pull out my iPad from under my bed.

I've saved up for, quite literally, years to afford it and so I don't let Maggie anywhere near it. If she does go near it, she'll take it before I can even object and probably sell it so that she can afford to buy god knows what she usually spends her money on.

Once I manage to get the same applicant form on my iPad, I fill it out. All of it besides the audition video which I need to film but to do that I need to get the lines off of my agent.

Quickly, I message him back and he answers in minutes, making me sign a contract that I won't leak any of the script that I'm given which, of course, I sign immediately.

After setting up my iPad to record it on and putting on a long sleeve t-shirt, I sit down and read the parts that I have to act out in the audition.

It reads:

Has to prove that she can act sadness, anger and despair aswell as happiness in the audition.
[Viktoria (the character you are playing)] What's it to you?
[Steve (Rodger's)] I'm just saying. Was it really that bad? You had a roof over your head, food, water, everything that anyone could need.
[Viktoria] you don't know shit about what it was like. I was a child. A child and suffering what most grown men couldn't. How could you even say that?
[steve] *silent and continues to stare at her.*
[Viktoria] you're so naive it baffles me how you are one of the earths mightiest heroes. Get yourself together and start acting like the grown ass man that you are.

"Okay." I sigh before starting to film.

I do the scene a few times before I'm happy with the recording and send it off to my agent.

He replies with a simple thumbs up emoji before saying that I will get a call in a week or so to tell me whether I get the part or not.

(Major time skip to a week or so later bc I can't be arsed to do filler chapters).

I lie in bed just scrolling on TikTok when I get a call from an unknown number.

My thumb reaches out to go and decline the call when I rise from my bed, anxiously running my fingers through my hair. Fuck, this could be it. It's been a week and a half.

The call gets answered and it's not my agent but another man, his voice sounds familiar but I can't quite put my finger on who it is.

"Hello? Is this Y/n Y/l/n?" I pause for a moment in disbelief at the persons voice. It's one of the mother fucking Russo brothers.

"Hello?" This snaps me back to reality.

"Yes, this is she." My voice cracks slightly as I pace around the room.

"Well I have some amazing news for you, and I wanted you to hear this first - you got the part as Viktoria Romanoff." A tear rolls down my cheek as I clamp my hand over my mouth. I knew absolutely nothing about the movie or the plot but now I know that Natasha has a daughter? As a fan, I'm amazed and shocked at the same time.

"Shit! Really?" I'm now almost sobbing and decide to sit down on my bed.

I've been rotting in bed practically all week, only eating once a day from anxiety and now I know; I'm gonna be a fucking star.

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