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My phone chimes from my back pocket, me picking it out and seeing that an unknown number messaged.

++6382927739. |
The film is ready. |

The message is simple, but I know it's from one of the cast since nobody else knows about the film.

"Who is it?" Avery chimes, and I turn to her.

"It's just them telling us that the film is ready to play." I answer, leaving mine and Avery's suitcases in the room.

We never really got a look in the room since the few moments we were in, it happened to be the most awkward moments of my life.

Avery wraps the blanket around her before grabbing some makeup wipes and following me back to the living room where the tv is.

Immediately, Elizabeth notices the blanket that's now on Avery's shoulders.

"Ooooooo nice blanket." She compliments Avery, making them turn to her a little.

It's clear that she's not actually seen Avery's blanket.

"You think so?" Avery has a smug smirk on her face.

"Yeah!" Elizabeth enthusiastically says.

With that, Avery takes the blanket away from her and holds it away from her at arms length so that everyone can see it clearly, making me cringe at the sight.

Elizabeth immediately clamps her hands to her mouth while laughing, drawing other people's attention until everyone is looking at the blanket and either admiring it or teasing Chris Evans.

I decide to ignore the commotion and sit down on the sofa in the dead centre.

Do that three more times. Otherwise, you'll become a murderer.

Reluctantly, I stay still. I can't act up now, they'll think that I'm crazy. But know that if I don't do it, it'll drive me insane. For the first one, I pretend to drop my phone. For the second one, I make sure to make it look like I'm just stretching, then the last one I do really quickly so that nobody questions it.

Avery sits down next to me, throwing the blanket over the both of us as she snuggles up to me and lies next to me while using the makeup wipes she got earlier to cleanse her face of all the makeup.

After she's done, the only standing person left, Benedict cumberbatch, takes them off of her and throws them in the bin before joining us all on the sofa.

"So what's first?" Elizabeth asks while passing the remote down to me.

"Hocus pocus. The Disney one..?" I say it relatively slowly to check if she's aware of what it is.

"Oh, that's not too bad!" Elizabeth chimes, clearly satisfied with the fact that it's not very scary.

"You can have the honour." I say while passing the remote to Avery who puts it on while I go on my phone to email the Russo brothers.

The email reads,

I don't know if there's been a mistake but I was never sent the script and everyone else seems to have received it. If it's okay can you please send it over to me at ynylnatgmail.com ? Thank you,

Hello every one.

This doesn't sound like the usual jokey me Nd that's because I relapsed literally ten minutes ago so I might not update for adays. Sorry.
Your fav sexy depressed writer.

Sanity ~ marvel cast.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon