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Trigger warnings: a lottttt of talk abt self harm and suicide, abuse and I think that's it! :).

"Can I talk with your sister?" Her smile softens along with her gaze before she mumbles something just loud enough for me to hear.

"She took her life last year. That's when my parents killed themselves so I got sent to loads of different places." I feel deep sorrow for her and what she's been through. "But, changing the subject, you aren't mad, evil or horrible you just deal with intrusive thoughts. That's what they're called and millions of people deal with them. You. Are. Not. A. Bad. Person."

I allow one happy tear to roll down my cheek before wiping my eyes making her laugh at me.

"What?" I giggle making her put her ring covered fingers over her mouth.

"You just smudged your mascara so much." My jaw drops as she says this; I completely forgot I put makeup on earlier. I probably look like such a mess right now.

As I frantically look around for some bathrooms to wipe it off, I get a flash of the time from a clock on the wall.

"Shit. We need to go. It's nearly ten." Her smile drops instantaneously at my exclamation. She knows and I know that curfew is at nine thirty.

We also know that our punishments won't be nice. At all.

On top of all that, if she figures out that we tricked her by locking the door and playing music, I definitely won't be going to America tomorrow because I'll be dead.

The sprint back 'home' takes a few minutes since we're going at full speed.

Her hand breaks away from mine as I begin to climb the tree back up to my room, completely forgetting to tell her that you can go that way back into the house.

The door clicks open making me swivel around from where I'm standing near the tree trunk to see Maggie immediately run out of the house and grab Avery by the collar.

"Little brat! I take you in and the first thing that you do is run away?!" She raises her hand in the air, ready to full on strike the fifteen year old girl in-front of her.

"No!" I attempt to push Maggie out the way but she punches Avery before I can even get the chance to. Her knuckles, which are plastered with rings, collide with Avery's jaw, causing a deep looking cut to spread across the right side of her mouth and up both of her lips, looking really painful.

Avery staggers back slightly while bringing her shaky hand to check other cut only to be horrified by the red stains on her fingers.

My head breaks when the goth starts to sob. She's clearly never lived in a toxic household before and i feel so bad that she has to be in one now.

The sadness soon fades making me angry.

"You mother-fucking bitch!" This makes her turn around and look at me before leaving Avery alone and charging at me.

"SHIT-," before I even get a chance to finish saying that, she pushes me against the tree and attempts to slam her knuckles into my face but I move out the way of her fist resulting her yelling out in pain as her hand, most likely, breaks on the solid wood of the tree.

Still refusing to give in, she grabs my copper hair and holds me up straight with her broken arm and pounds her right hand into the side of my head, just next to my eye.

Maggie lets go of my hair and stumbles away, back into the house and leaving the door open.

The pain hits me like a nuclear bomb.

I don't think about it, though. Instead, I attempt to walk towards Avery who's walking towards me.

It might be Avery. I'm not 100 percent certain though, since I can't really see anything besides the blurry silhouette.

"Goth girl! Get her to her room!" Maggie screams at the Avery who mumbles something before practically dragging me up the stairs.

As soon as my head hits my pillow, I fall asleep on my back with Avery rummaging around somewhere or other, I'm not totally sure but I do know that I'm tired and I don't really care.


My eyes begin to flicker open and as soon as they do, I jolt up causing Aver to look at me from the spot that she's parked herself on, on the floor.

The main light isn't on but small lamps and candles are lit, making me see her face before clamping my hand to my mouth. The cut on her lips is much worse than I thought it was when I last saw it. Luckily, though, there isn't any swelling.

"What did she do to you?" I sob gently while scrunching myself up into as small of a ball as I possibly can.

I don't really think anything at this point, just that it's all my fault. It is all my fault. If I had just have told her to climb back up the tree, she wouldn't have gone through what she did. If I'd have just cut deep enough that Tuesday night in march, none of this would've happened. Maybe I should go and do that now. Maybe I should just go into the bathtub with my clothes on and cut so deeply that-

My thoughts get cut off when she suddenly slaps me across the face.

"That was for being a pillock. I know exactly what you're thinking and you're blaming yourself. You are fucking amazing- Plus, I didn't put an ice pack on your eye to keep the swelling down just for you to consume yourself in guilt that you shouldn't be feeling. Now get up! We've only got three hours 'til THE Scarlett Johansson fly's us to America!" She steps back, sighing and running her fingers through her hair before a smile creeps upon my lips in a mocking way.

"We are going to America?" Her eyes widen at my giggling.

"I- uh, I mean if you don't want me to then..." I laugh before covering my mouth and shaking my head at her comment.

"Of course I want you to come. And did you say THREE HOURS?! Fuck, we need to pack." As I finish speaking, she pulls a black suitcase out of what seems like nowhere.

"Actually... you need to pack." She smiles sarcastically.

"Wait, did you even get any sleep?"

As an answer, she nods. "I got up just under an hour ago. So I got, like, three hours of sleep." I nod at her answer. To me, that's a solid amount.

"I should probably go and shower." The words escape my lips almost like a whine as I rise and open the door to my bedroom.

Just when I'm about to leave for the bathroom, I hesitate making her look at me. "You're really pretty, you know that?" She bites her lip and blushes while looking down as I say the words.

I wasn't lying. She's downright the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen in a longgggg time.

A/N: how r u liking the story so far? I hope u like it.

Sooo do we ship them orrrrrrrr.........

Eeeee it's nearly Halloween! I'm going as Carrie. If you don't know who that is, go watch the movie (s) rn. I've only watched the 2013 one but it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooso good.

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