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The past few days have been a mad scramble around of eating left over roast dinner and family visits so its safe to say that were all exhausted today on new year's eve.

Amy's starting to get used it here and unfortunately, her chemo and cancer is starting to kick in especially the chemo.

She's been starting to get sick and tired and just ill in general.

She is getting better with her legs but she has lug around a feeding tube with her everywhere she goes which is a pain we're all here for her. And what I feared is happening. I'm starting to get close to her and I know she'll be gone in a few months so I know that I'll just be devastated.

She's fully accepted the time we have left with her and she's compiled a list of what she wants to do before she dies. Money isn't an issue for obvious reasons do we told no limits and have everything planned out so that we can work around work for the schedule.

The first one is easy. She said that she's always to be in a marvel movie so we managed to squeeze in a character called Jessica who gets saved my moi.

That scenes gonna be filmed day after tomorrow on the second of January.

Everyone had a huge debate but we ended up watching the London fireworks which are currently gonna start in ten minutes. I mean, the times different but oh well, we're just watching on catchup.

I managed to get them in sync and now there'd just ten seconds to go.

"Ten, nine, eight..." Everyone starts to chant but I feel Amy tapping on my shoulder.

I stop speaking and turn to look at her and she mumbles something to me.

"I'm gonna be sick." I hear and immediately help her up and rush to the bathroom.

"You good?" Rdj calls and I shake my head in response.

She immediately throws herself at the toilet bowl as I hold her hair back for her. Quite a few big clumps of hair fall in my hands and I instantly know why.

"It's a good job you don't have the feeding tube anymore. That'd be a nightmare when throwing up." I comment makking her choke laugh.

She takes a few more splutters before I pass her a towel.

"Happy new years." I say and she smiles.

"You too." Then we just burst out laughing again the situation. My only friend is struggling and dying of cancer and the first thing we did this year was helping her throw up and throw up.

Amy leaves the room as I go to flush the toilet. But when j look, I realise that it isn't just sick in the toilet but actually blood. Quite a bit of blood. These next few months aren't gonna be easy.

"Happy new year!" I tell everyone, trying g to forget what I just saw.

Scarlett hugs me and I accept the embrace while hugging her.

"Happy new year sweetie." She tells me before Pilling away and rejoining everyone else while I stand with Amy.

"Ames, your hairs starting to fall out." I tell her and she nods sadly.

"You wanna go shave it off?" She asks and I immediately nod.

"I've always wanted a buzz cut anyway." I tell her laughing and she frowns.

"You really don't have to." She reassures me but I ruffle her hair.

"Nah. Imma let my impulsive thoughts win this time." I say while following her tk the bathroom again.

Will I enjoy arching my copper locks fall to the ground? No. Do I want Amy to know that I'm supporting her Jo matter what? Yes.

She takes a seat on the toilet and I grab some elastic bands.

"Since I was the oldest and we were skint, I cut all of the kids at the orphanages hair because we couldn't go to a hairdresser so I think I know what I'm doing." I say while tieing her hair up.

"You wanna go full gru style or a buzz cut." I ask, knowing that I'm gonna do a buzz cut.

"Gru. If it's gonna happen, might as well be sooner than later." She says while I cut off the pairs of ponytails to make her hair shorter for the clippers.

I've already wrapped a towel around her shoulders so she isn't all itchy.

"I swear 2023 was in 10 times speed." I laugh and she nods, agreeing.

"I'm not gonna make it out of 2024." Amy says whixh makes me heart broken. "And I feel like a whimp for being scared." I stop cutting g her hair as I look down at the crying girl.

"You are not a whimp. You are not overreacting. You're handling this so we'll. I know, that frankly, most people would be scared shitless. You are a beautiful, strong, independent young person and this cancer, whether it beats you or not, has nothing to do with that. Plus you're letting me shave your hair. I know a lot of people who wouldn't do that." I laugh, wiping away her tears and picking up the clippers.

I set them to a different mode since it was on buzzcut mode and slowly start to shave her hair. And once I'm done, she sits in the bath, watching as I shave my hair into a buzzcut.

"Damn. We really are going into 2024 with a bang." I remark making her smile.

A/n: crying why am I doing this to myself. 😭🔫.

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