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As scarlett comes to get me, I can't get avery out of my fucking head.

Was i too harsh on her? She was raped, manipulated, bullied and abused and all I said is dont get close to me?

Before scar gets here, I walk back over to avery.

"Look, Ave. I'm sorry I was too harsh. You hurt me. Really hurt me. But it wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault." I try to tell her but she doesn't look convinced. "As much as past me would hate to hear it, I'm always here for you."

Her lips almost twitch into a soft smile but before it can, I spin around to see the very shocked and disturbed dace of scar looking angrily at avery.

Before I can even begin yo speak, scarlett is holding My hand and guiding me yo a separate room for a private talk.

"Was that..?" Scarlett asks as soon as we reach the private area.

"Let me explain-," I try to start but scars concern has consumed her.

"We need to call the police, or whoever!" Scarlett begins to take out her phone and for the first time ever, I show frustration towards the kind woman, snatching her phone out of her hand.

"Scarlett! Listen to me! Please." I attempt to convince her desperately.

She gives me a glance, insinuating for me to continue.

"She's been to court, check the papers if you want, but she was proven innocent. The fat cunt known as Maggie raped abused and quite literally forced her to do what she did. Now she's struggling with self harm and her anorexia is back. The least you can do, if you love me, Is let her keep this job." I rant and Scarlett nods, smiling at my maturity.

"I do love you. But I would rather die than anything happen like it did before." My eyes tear up at her concern but I blink the droplets of salt water away.

"I've seen the scars. I've seen her. Sometimes you can just tell when someone's struggling," Scarlett sighs at my words, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before her eyes meet mine once again.

"Fine but if she does anything and I mean anything suspicious. Tell me." We both mutually agree before she walks me to set.

For the first scene, it's practically just a ballerina doing ballet where my face will get cgid on. I'm sitting on a cast chair behind all of the filming equipment, reading the script over and over again so that I don't forget anything.

"Y/n!" The director calls and I immediately jump up. Its time for me and the ballerina to swap places.

I try to do the majority of the stunt when doing the fight scenes but avery has to get called up most of the time. Everything goes swiftly until I have to act a scene where I'm about to hang myself. It gets a little bit too real for me.

"So, y/n, with this next scene, I want you to try and show anger and sadness that's all built up over time. Can you do that?" The director tells me and I laugh nervously.

"I'll try." I say before getting vack on set. Obviously, I don't really have a nuse infront of me, the peice of rope infront of me breaks whenever any pressure is put on me.

"And... action!" The film crew tells me and immediately, I take a few shaky breaths, trying my best to act out a panic attack.

Tears fall down my cheeks as I stand on the step leading to the 'nuse'. A small peice of glass is on one of the steps but I don't want to redo the scene so instead, I conceal the pain in my foot and continue to act.

Eventually, I step down, swearing under my breath just before the camera crew shout cut.

As soon as I finish, scarlett holds out her arms for me to hug her and I gladly accept it.

"Honey, that was so good!" She compliments me and I smile into her shoulder.

That's it for this morning and today, the only scenes I really had to film where the opening ones for now so I'm free to go and chill in the trailer.

The whole way there, I just think about how uncomfortable this costume is and as soon as I close the door. I unzip the top half leaving me in my sports bra and the trousers.

Just when I least expect it and need it, the door clicks open, almost making me jump.

Before I can do anything, eyes are on my arm covered in slightly scabbed over cuts. Her eyes don't move away until they make contact with mine. All of a sudden she seems teary eyed and upset. I didn't mean to make her like this. I swear.

"Scarlett..." I say and one of my only mother figures stares at me, heartbreak never being so clear in someone's gaze.

But it is so clear in hers.

Instead of her screaming at me, calling me an attention seeker, hitting me or even throwing things at me, she just walk over to me and wraps her arms around me, her head on my shoulder, the short woman embracing me with her warm touch.

I can almost feel the glass of our hearts shattering for eachother as the hug goes on longer.

"I'm sorry." I manage to squeeze out the words before a single tear rolls down my face, dragging the makeup with it.

"It's okay, baby girl. I've got you." Scarlett then rubs my back comfortingly, something I haven't felt in months: comfort.

My chest rises and falls speedily, the tears now flowing as I sob into her shoulder. I must be making her shirt wet. But she doesn't care. For once in my life, all someone cares about is me.

And it's a warm feeling. One that you'd never like to let go of.

Then she pulls away, an emptiness ringing in my heart for her to embrace me again.

"My poor baby girl. Look, we're gonna take the day off, okay?" I nod as scarlett speaks. "Take a walk, go to a Caffè, whatever you want. I just need you safe. With me." Her warm words make me feel even worse since she looks like bursting into tears, herself.

A/N: hiiiiii so, long story, I was in hospital bc of an od and now I'm fine but I was really ill, having trouble breathing, was really shaky etc but anyways, sorry for not updating in a while. Love yall lots 💓

Sanity ~ marvel cast.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora