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Since I haven't been out of my room for so long, the faces of people that used to be familiar feel a lot like strangers again.

The whole mood has shifted since amy died. Everyone who used to be bubbly and happy now has a tinge of quiet sadness to them. And it's depressing to see them like this.

So when I see the scene, I feel even worse. I feel that it's my fault not only that Amy is dead but it's my fault that they're all upset.

"Hey." Florence says, and the corners of my mouth twitching, not even nearly a smile but the closest I've been at one in a week.

Everyone averts their gaze from what they are doing to me. A few look slightly happy, and the rest just look relieved that I'm 'okay'.

Immediately, pumpkin trots over to me and rubs her head against my ankle. I bend down and give the cat a fuss before picking her up and cradling her in my arms.

"She's missed you. We've missed you." Hailee tells me, making me well up with tears. Quickly, I blink the tears away, smiling at her before she returns the soft grin.

"We were, uh, thinking of watching soul.. yknow, the Disney film." Scarletts words dont process in my mind, I'm too focused on hiding the excruciating pain in my arm. It takes me a few moments before I nod, earning a few sulympathetic glances.

Hailee is the first one to sit down on the sofa, followed by lizzie. This is when I notice I notice that I've missed them all so much.

I decide to sit next to lizzie, anxious for tomorrow. Tomorrow is when I get revealed as a new cast member for this movie and oncoming ones. Tomorrow is also the day we start shooting for it.

Lizzie Immediately picks up on my nervous fidgeting and holds my hand as I rest myself on her, hugging her like a little kid and inhaling her perfume, remembering how much I've missed it.

The movie starts as scarlett puts it on and almost immediately, I begin to gently close my eyelids, falling to sleep on the sofa.


I feel a gentle tapping on my shoulder as my eyes flicker to an open to see brie larson. Fucking brie larson.

I almost fall off of the sofa from excitement before awkwardly greeting myself.

"Hi?" I say to her, ashamed that she's caught me at this embarrassing moment.

"Hey. Scarlett asked me to wake you up." My mind takes a few moments to process before I realise that if she's here then xochitl gomez is as well.

With that, brie walks off, smiling.

I raise my wrist right wrist to look down at my watch ro see that it's six thirty. SHIT I NEED TO BE ON SEY BY 7.

I begin to walk or more so run out of the room and to my bedroom.

Looking in the wardrobe, I sigh at what to west. I don't want to wear the same hoodie I wore last night and the night before that but the only other hoodie I have is averys old one and I just... can't wear that.

Shit. I'm gonna have to ask a ridiculously big favour of the only person here that's my size: xochitl gomez.

Nah, fuck that. I'll just ask scarlett.

After asking, I'm now wearing an oversized hoodie, not having showered or done any standard hygiene. So that's great.

I'm currently standing at the door, eagerly waiting for the first day on set.

That's when I remember I have cuts on my arm. But, I have a costume with sleeves so, hopefully, I'll be good.

I've been practising the script over and over in my mind, making sure that I donr overact or underact the parts.

"Hey." I hear a calm voice sound from behind me.

I jump in my stance a little bit before turning around to see xochitl there.

"Oh, hello. Its nice to have someone a similar age around." I tell her and she smiles at me.

"So I heard you're playing g the lead role..?" She says, not co.pletely sure.

"Yep. That's me. Honestly though, I've never been in anything other than plays at school." She let's out a breathy giggle as I say this.

Only a few people are coming to set today since its the first day and not everyone's in the scenes.

I'm in the opening scene explaining my backstory in the red room as a spy. Then as the scenes and the film progresses, I become one of the heroes. The character has a lot of emotional trauma which will allow me to play around a lot which is good because then I can add a bit of me into it.

Scar eventually comes along with another car of the cast. We wave goodbye to a few people before hopping into the car and driving away.

I don't know how everyone is so awake since I'm practically falling asleep on the spot.

The drive lasts around an hour before we reach the sestionation. Last time scarlett left me to find my trailer and let's just say that we had a slight interruption... anyway, this time, scarlett is gonna walk me to my trailer.

"Okay, when you're ready to come to set, I'll be there for you. Okay?" She says in a hush tone, rubbing my shoulders comfortingly and I force a convincing smile onto my face.

"Of course." I reply before walking in and seeing a woman around a desk, sorting out various brushes and makeup.

"Hello. Its y/n." I mumble in a hush tone, just loud enough for the woman to hear.

"Ah, y/n! Busy day today. Come and take a seat!" The woman is overly friendly making me hesitate before eventually sitting at the spinny chair that's parked infront of the mirror.

"My names Mariah and m going to be your makeup artist for the majority of filming. Today were gonna go for a dirty look with a few wounds and once we've finished and you're all ready to go to set, you'll get to meet your atunt double; Avery!"

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