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"I'd love to but Maggie will kill us... literally." Her reply just makes me smile even more.

"Not if she never knew that we went out in the first place." I stuff all of the money into my purse which gets pushed into one of my pockets on my 'leather' jacket (it's not real leather) which immediately gets admired by Avery, at least I think it's the jacket that she's looking up and down...

I quickly play music on my iPad and move the chair in front of the door again before slipping the window open and sitting on the ledge.

"Shit! Be careful!" She rushes towards me and I just smile at her concern.

Once she arrives, looking over my shoulder, I just sit there for a moment, admiring the warm glow from the sun that doesn't usually arrive in October.

Grab her and pull her out of the window.

Immediately, I shake my head before moving first and shifting onto the branch of the tree just in front of me. In moments, I'm on the floor and waving my arms back up at her.

For a moment, I'm uncertain whether she'll miss the branch or not but she ends up doing it and landing next to me. An auburn leaf is sitting in her fringe, the same colour as my hair and as I pull it out from hers, I can swear that she's blushing under the white and black makeup.

"You ready?" She nods while her painted black lips curl into a downwards faxing smile, unique yet so similar to mine at same time.

The walk takes around ten minutes or so and thanks to my constant joking and chatting, I manage to stop the disturbing thoughts.

Once arriving at the entry desk, I notice that the old woman looks even more miserable than me on a Monday night and that is VERY hard to achieve.

"Two tickets, please." I beam at her which just makes her roll her eyes.

"Are these the unlimited token tickets or-," she begins but I cut her off without realising it.

"Unlimited token passes, please." I reply as She groans before stating the price making my eyes widen as I pass her the money.

The passes get given to us and as we walk away, I mumble under my breath, "forty funking quid? What do they think is so special about this place? It makes it sound like you're buying a whole carnival all together."

I soon notice that im not talking to anyone and that Avery is standing around the hook-a-duck stand.

A smile places upon my face as I walk up to her only to see her admiring the my little pony teddies as a prize.

"Can I have a go?" She smiles keenly at me making me laugh at her slightly.

"It's your ticket and it's unlimited go ahead." She gives the lady the ticket and once she's seen it, she gives it back to Avery along with a hook for the game.

On her first try, she messes up and does the wrong thing resulting in her missing out. When she's on the verge of giving up, I decide to step in.

"Can I have a go?" She nods at my words and surely enough, the first time around, I get a golden duck and she says that I can pick any prize but insist that Avery is to choose instead.

The woman guides her towards the fake blood, clearly noticing how gothic she is but instead, Avery ends up veering to the fluttershy teddy that she noticed before we had a go.

The lady gives it to me and with a curtsy, I begin to speak in a posh accent. "Madame, your winnings."

Her giggle following my actions is so true and pure that it makes me feel complete and fuzzy inside for the first time in a long time.

After playing a few more games and winning a few more teddies, she pulls me towards the ferris wheel.

"I'm not going on it on my own." I roll my eyes at her words, playfully, as I present our tickets to the man that buckles the people in.

I'm not particularly looking forwards to going on the wheel. It's a vulnerable place that I'm most likely gonna get bad thoughts about if I go on it.

But I want her to be happy so when the blue cart gets to the front, we both get in and sit down next to each other, our feet parked on the bar that's below us.

As we go upwards, she instinctively grabs onto my hand and I flinch at first. When she goes to pull away I get her hand and bring it back.

"No. It's okay." I comfort her and she leans on my shoulder, looking at the dim fields in the distance and when we get to the top, it stops for a moment.

This is where the trouble begins.

Push her out of the the cart otherwise you'll become a serial killer one day.

"No. I don't want to." I mutter making her look into my eyes with a frown.

"Whats wrong?" She sounds concerned and I just shake my head my onforting her that there's nothing to worry about.

Do. It.

I don't want to.

Do you want to become a murderer? A monster? Do it!

"No! I need to get off. Stop the ride!" Avery is now frowning at my sudden call to the man that's working here but not out of anger but concern.

"Talk to me. What's wrong?" She's cupping my face in her hands but before I can answer, we get to the bottom of the ride again and I get off as soon as he undoes my seatbelt.

I can hear her apologising to the man before running after me.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going I just need to clear my head.

Before I can even manage to get away, she grabs my wrist making me spin around to make eye contact with her.

"What's wrong?" Her tone just makes more tears fall Fownhope my face. I've never had someone actually care for me before.

"Do you ever feel like you're going crazy?" She frowns from confusion before softening her gaze and continuing the conversation.

"Why? What do you mean?" As she says this it dawns on me that I am mad. And no one will ever understand.

"Have you ever thought something that you don't want to think? Something so horrible that I can't even say it out loud." She smiles slightly as I finish making me confused.

"No... but my sister did. And you aren't going crazy. You are not your thoughts. You can't control what goes on in there." For a moment, I begin to think that I'm dreaming. How could someone so perfect possibly be my friend?

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