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People start to sit down again so I get a quiet place ready. This is one of my favourite films so I'm sooooooo ready to rematch it. Most of them have watched it besides Chris Evans, Elizabeth..? No, I should create a nickname for her Elizabeth is toowoomba longggggg. Lizzie? Yeah, that'll work. Lizzie, Chris E and benedict not forgetting Mackie.

They all claim that in their defence, they aren't the biggest fans of horror making me playfully roll my eyes.

A few people have moved, including scarlett who's now sitting next to me. I have a lot of scenes to do with her so I want to be cool with her. I'd hate to do loads of scenes which I have beef with the actors in.

I go to lean on Avery but go the wrong way by mistake, leaning on scarlett. I'm about to move and scarlett knows that so instead, she reassures me.

"No its fine. You can stay there." So now I feel if I move then she'll feel bad.

Move otherwise you'll become a murderer.

Can my thoughts not shut the fuck up for ten minutes?

Ugh, I'm so comfortable here, I don't want to move. So instead I say something to myself in my head, on purpose, trying to cancel out the really negative thoughts that really swirling around up there.

I can't move for a while otherwise I'll become a murderer.

I smile at my genius. If I force the thoughts to a positive side, then they won't affect me negatively.

I'm not sure when I do it, but I slowly begin to fall asleep, midway through the movie.

My eyes flicker open as I look around me. Then I feel something wet on my hands and when I lift them up, blood is smeared all over them.

"What..?" I mutter under my breath, reaching for avery but I when I look, she's not there, instead, a bloody corpse is in its place. Averys corpse.

"No." I say out loud, looking around for the cast, the same having happened to them.

Then when I look down once again, a knife is in my hands. "No!" I shout out, dropping the knife. I couldn't, I wouldn't!

All of a sudden, I'm stuck on the spot in the middle of the floor, my feet being unable to move from where I'm standing, my feet chained to the floor.

A clanking and a few bangs can be heard above me when a droplet of a liquid falls on my head. When my hand comes to check, I see blood on my fingers.

Suddenly, full Carrie style, a large amount of it falls on my head, covering me head to toe. Then I notice that out of nowhere, it's up to my ankle, the whole room fulling up with it until my head is underneath the cold liquid. I squirm for around three minutes under it until I give in and start to inhale the thick liquid, my lungs and throat burning in agony. I'm drowning.

Just as I ease, everything goes black.

Scarletts pov:

I decide to let Y/n sleep through the full film, only for this one so that she'll be slightly recharged.

I notice, near the ending of the movie, that Y/n is making small whimpering noises every now and then so I frown in confusion. Only when I notice a tear falling down her cheeks do I grab the remote away from the coffee table and pause the movie, making a few confused until they see Y/ns state, her now sobbing and moving suddenly, like she has a tic.

"What's going on?" Lizzie asks sleepily, looking at Y/n, her eyes widening.

I don't know what to do. Do j wake her? Comfort her? What?

"She's having a nightmare." I point out laying her more comfortable on me, hoping that this'll ease her when I notice that her chest which was moving up and down really fast as she took deep and hollow breaths, is now no longer moving.

Just to make sure, I put my hand just under her nose to see if there's air coming out of it. I feel nothing.

"Shit. She's stopped breathing."

Another short chapter but hehe. I have so many plans.

~your fave sexy depressed writer.

Sanity ~ marvel cast.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant