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The airport is now in view, it only took ten minutes or so to reach, the East Midlands airport.

For a while now, some black cars have been following us, who I assume to be paparazzi, which just feels insane.

The ride has been mostly silent in mine and Avery's part, the occasional joke or word getting flung around. Honestly, we don't know how to react to anything they say to us.

Out of absolutely nowhere, I decide to start a conversation. "So, what brings you all to England? It's not exactly the best of places." I giggle nervously as I finish speaking the question and almost instantly get an answer from Scarlett Johansson honestly.

"It was Evans' (Chris) idea to have a part in a foreign country in celebration of a new movie so pretty much everyone will be at the airport. Tom, in the car, was the only one to not have to fly over here, he was just staying with his family for a while beforehand." Scarlett says all of this while indicating and taking a turn into the airport, and as no surprise, the black cars follow.

"Shit, the paps." Tom Holland says while looking back at them.

"Not forcibly. It might just be the cabs that rdj booked from the hotel- and language. There are kids around so watch your mouth for now." Chris hemsworth says making me and Avery grin at each other with a smug look. If they weren't marvel actors then I would've said; 'I understood that reference.' But it would be very embarrassing considering that they are marvel actors and in moments I will meet Chris Evans in real life in any minute.

As we park up, we soon find out that it wasn't the taxis that rdj ordered, it was in fact the paparazzi.

Cameras almost immediately flash in our faces, making me feel anxious about how Avery is feeling about everything.

"Don't talk to them." Scarlett instructs me and Avery as I open the door for Avery.

"Why are you in England?" "Who are the girl that're with you at the the moment?" "Are you making a new marvel movie?" "Who are you?" The last question is directed at me and Avery but we just ignore them and walk toward the airport doors, being held open by Rdj and Chris evans.

Some barriers around the entrance stop the paparazzi but the flashes continue as we go further in the building. Me and Avery both sigh before looking up and realising who is in the room.

"Holy fuck nuggets." I say before realising that everyone heard that and I clamp my hand over my mouth, Rdj smiling at my comment.

"I like this one."

Then my face forms into a frown at the people in the room.

"Didn't half of you die?" They look confused at first but then they catch on. Rdj, Scarlett Johansson, Chris evans?

"Did you not get the script?" A confused looking ELIZABETH OLSEN- HOLY FUCK- says.

"What script? For the film? No I didn't get it? Was I supposed to?" I begin to panic visibly.

"It'll be fine." Rdj reassures me before he claps his hands together. "We should get going. Since I know that none of you are terrorists, we can skip security." As he says this I sigh with relief since my blades are metal.

The plane is a shiny black colour with a hint of blue and. Is smaller than the average plane, only slightly.

Everyone sits next to their close friends- rdj sitting next to Chris evans, Elizabeth Olsen sitting next to Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy renner on the other side of Scarlett. In the end, there's only a few spots left so me and Avery have to split up.

I scribble my number down on the back of her hand so we can text and sit in a free space which happens to be next to Tom Holland and it's a window seat.

My phone gets turned onto airplane mode and Tom smiles at me as I sit next to him.

"This feels so weird." I look around at all of the star celebrities surrounding me.

"Eh, it gets better, plus, it's nice to have someone that's not old enough to be my parent to hang around with." As he finishes speaking, his phone goes down to his side and he looks out the window next to me. "So you have a main part, then?" He asks, genuinely sounding interested. This so strange to be talking to my first childhood crush. Obviously before I found out that I'm gay.

"I mean, it says that I have around the same amount of screen time as iron man would in an avengers film so yeah." I sigh, not exactly looking forwards to the invasion of privacy and paparazzi once I get announced as casting of a character.

"Your friend seems nice," he says with a smirk making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Don't even go there." He laughs slightly at my answer before asking which character I play in the movie.

"Apparently, black widows daughter which I thought was impossible but, hey ho." I instantly realise something. "Oh my god are you one of the only other English people here. That sucks they probably won't understand the slang that northern English people use."

"I don't know, they get what I'm saying, unlike a lot of people." He tries to reassure me.

"No offence but you're one of the most posh sounding people that I've met in my life and that's saying something." He looks sort of offended but then nods in agreement.

"Have you ever been in any other movies before?" I shake as an answer and then ask him something.

"You were in Billy Eliot though, weren't you?" He smiles does the awkward thing and then it looks like he's getting some form of flashbacks.

"Don't remind me." He has a quick laugh and then notices that I'm yawning.

"Get some sleep. Once we arrive it'll be morning in America so jet lag will be fixed."

I nod and go to sleep.



Hellooooooo. My intrusive thoughts r rlly bad atm so I'm practically in the car 24/7 so I'm sorry if updates r relatively slow.

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