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The movie is around halfway through when my phone chimes.

"Sorry." I mumble since I disrupted their movie with the notification and go to check it.

As expected, its the script getting sent in to me. Its in writing and audio version which is perfect.

"Sorry everyone, is it okay if I read the script while you watch this?" They nod in a response, a few saying 'of course' which is comforting.

I decide to spend readnit and just as coralinw turns on and the other mother turns into the weird spider thing, I finish reading it.

The plot is strange, I mean it's better than the last few movies but holy shit, I'm in shock. Natasha is alive and so is tony and steve, natasha had a daughter in the red room (who I'm playing) and kang is the main villain and the amount of screen time I have is crazy. I definitely Nedd to rant to Avery later on about it.

Since the movie is just finishing and we've all been sat down for nearly four hours, Elizabeth olden speaks up as the credits roll.

"I think we should all stretch our legs for a moment." Everyone agrees at the suggestion, going up and either getting a drink, some snacks or a blanket. Me and avery are already cuddled up with snacks surrounding us, though so we stay seated.

"Avery." I say.

"Y/n." She mocks making me smile.

"I finished reading the script and holy shit." I ecain everything to her leaving her in a similar state of shock as me.

The only thing I didn't tell avery about is the fact that the character has bad mental health, multiple scenes where she tries to kill herself.

She's like me.

Okay, so I made this chapter purposefully short js to tell u that I'm back and writing again!

-your fave sexy depressed writer.

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