The Disappearance of Hunter Anders

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a photo of Hunter, and his daughter, Ellie, taken by his wife, Macy, two days before his disappearanceAugust 11th, 1991 - February 27th, 2012

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a photo of Hunter, and his daughter, Ellie, taken by his wife, Macy, two days before his disappearance
August 11th, 1991 - February 27th, 2012


Hunter Ryan Anders is an American man who went missing in 2012.

Hunter was born in Portland, Oregon, the second of three children. His family moved to Austin, Texas when he was five years old. By all accounts, he had a normal family life, he loved his siblings, got along well enough with his parents. It was in 2007 that he started dating Macy Venworth. Hunter ended up getting Macy pregnant and they had their daughter, Ellie Rose Anders, on March 4th, 2008.

Hunter and Macy got married on August 29th, 2009. By all accounts, Hunter was a great father and husband, despite his young age. Even Macy has said this multiple times. He took great care of Ellie and never seemed to be ashamed of her in any way, proudly boasting about her, to friends, family, co-workers, etc.

On February 27th, 2012, at around two o'clock, Hunter had gone out to do birthday shopping for Ellie while Macy stayed home. A couple hours later, Macy received a phone call from Hunter, just him telling her that he was heading over to a friend's, so he'd be coming back a little late. As you expected, Hunter never came home. When he hadn't come back by ten that night, when Ellie was already in bed, Macy called him. She received no answer.

Macy then called the friend, Connor Clampitt, that Hunter had been staying out. Connor said Hunter had left at around seven. She continued calling people; Hunter's family, other friends, even her own family members. Nobody knew anything.

"That kind of terror is indescribable," Macy said in a 2019 interview. "I didn't know what to think. A part of me, I think, thought it was some kind of prank Hunter was playing, he'd always been a joker after all. If that had been a joke, I would've screamed at him when he got back. I was terrified. Was he okay? Was he even alive? If he wasn't, what was I supposed to do then? How would I explain all of it to Ellie?"

Macy filed a missing persons report. Two days after Ellie's fourth birthday, Hunter's car was found by the Mexican border. The car was intact, no damage, nothing. Nothing missing, even Ellie's birthday gifts were still in the backseat. The police presented a theory that maybe Hunter had run away. It did make some sense, after all. He was a young guy, just shy of twenty-one, but he already had a wife and an almost four year old daughter, so maybe he wanted a chance to be free again, but everyone who knew Hunter has maintained the idea that he would not do that.

"I have no reason to believe he would run away. He loved me, he loved Ellie, I refuse to believe he would just leave us like that. He wouldn't." Macy said in that same interview.

To this day, Hunter is still missing, though there was a reported sighting of him this past summer. At the start of August, Hunter was spotted in Atlanta, Georgia. Also spotted with him were Eve Lewandowski, the Asian girl often spotted alongside Eve, and the toddler Eve has been seen with in recent years. The anonymous reporter says they were accompanied by an older white man. They said that Hunter was holding the Asian girl's hand.

As the prevailing theory is that Eve Lewandowski is being trafficked, that is now the theory for Hunter as well.

Though, as of writing this, Hunter is still considered missing.

"I don't think a day has gone by where I haven't thought about my father," Ellie Anders said in a February 2023 interview. "I mean, imagine what my life has been like. I've grown up, not knowing if my father is alive or dead. I don't even have any memories of him. The theory that he ran away definitely doesn't help. Because, while everyone says that he didn't, what if he did? What if he left us? Why did he leave me alone like that?"

Hunter, if you are reading this, and you are able, please, come home. Your wife, daughter, entire family misses you. Ellie is fifteen years old now, she misses you. Everyone just wants you back safely.

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