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The Scapula is a paired, flat bone that is often called the shoulder blade.  It attaches to the clavicle and the humerus.  The scapula contains a synovial membrane (synovium) filled with fluid where the humerus articulates, allowing for smooth rotational motion of this ball-in-socket joint.  The synovium may be ruptured if the humerus is dislocated from the shoulder.  If fluid is lost it can lead to breakdown of the joint and severe degenerative joint disease with use and age.  The body of the scapula may be very thin to the point of occasionally having aperatures (holes) called atrophic spots in the surface that taper to smooth edges, as opposed to the sharp, rough edges of a break.  There is a significant degree of variation in the shape of the scapular border and scapular notches that is part of normal human variation.

Key Vocabulary:
Fossa - a shallow depression or hollow

Key Vocabulary:Fossa - a shallow depression or hollow

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Key Equations:

Scapular Index

The Scapular index is determined by taking the maximum breadth multiplied by 100 and dividing the product by the maximum length

The Scapular index is determined by taking the maximum breadth multiplied by 100 and dividing the product by the maximum length

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