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The Ulna is one of two bones in the human lower arm.  It articulates with the humerus using a hinge joint.  The radius twists over it and they articulate side by side at the Ulnar Notch.  The Ulna forms your elbow with the Olecranon Process.  Like all long bones, it produces red and white blood cells.

Key Vocabulary:
Styloid - like a stylus, a writing implement used for writing on wax tablets in Rome.  They look a bit like a short chopstick with an end that tapers to a point
Semilunar - crescent moon shaped
Nutrient Foramen - all bones have one, it's a hole that allows nutrients to enter the bone

  They look a bit like a short chopstick with an end that tapers to a pointSemilunar - crescent moon shapedNutrient Foramen - all bones have one, it's a hole that allows nutrients to enter the bone

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Key Measurements:
Maximum Length - using an osteometric board, it measures from the top of the olecranon process to the tip of the styloid process

Physiological Length - measures from the deepest point of the semilunar notch to the deepest point of the head

Least Circumference of the Shaft - measures around the narrowest part of the shaft using measuring tape or string

Key Equations:Caliber Index - measures the relative robusticity of the bone, ie: the greater the index score, the stouter the bone

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Key Equations:
Caliber Index - measures the relative robusticity of the bone, ie: the greater the index score, the stouter the bone

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