A New Servant! Ikaros and the Invitation of a Dragon Goddess!

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"So, you'll serve me, without question?" (Y/N) asked the Pink haired girl curiously, the corner of his lip turning up into a half-smile as he thought about having a follower and servant to do deeds in his name.

"Yes, I will fulfil your every desire, whatever it may be" Ikaros said as she bowed to him, her voice was flat and emotionless, similar in a way to the way Rias's Rook, Koneko would speak.

"Hahaha! Looks like your "ultimate weapon" now has a new master, Uriel" Azazel said with a mocking tone in his voice, the Heavenly Seraph gritted his teeth in anger at the sight of Ikaros bowing to the very creature she'd been created to destroy.

That idiot Minos really messed the plan up with this stupid blunder of his!

"WHAT?! No way, that golden douche-bag get's to have an Angel with big oppai to serve him?! No fair!" Issei shouted loudly as he fell to his knees and started hitting the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks in frustration and jealousy.

His sudden outburst made people either amused or disgusted by what he shamelessly screamed out loud, and made his Master Rias very embarrassed that he was behaving like this in front of so many people.

"Damn you all! Minos! Send in the rest, kill that thing!" Uriel shouted angrily, as his wings then flickered and finally, the once pure White feathers that covered his ten wings turned Jet-Black as he finally fell from grace.

"Uriel, no..." Michael said as he looked to his brother in sadness, seeing that revenge had overcome his beloved brother and fellow Seraph and made him fall into the sin of Wrath, Gabriel was going to be heartbroken from this...

"Right..." Minos said awkwardly as his smile turned to a frown, he then took out a controller and pressed a button, summoning even more of these Angel-like girls to the field, though he didn't look as cocky and confident as he did before.

From several Magic Circles came more of these Angeloids, many looking different and all of them being females, some however had familiar faces... faces of Humans who had disappeared or gone missing!

"So that's what was happening... you and your friend were abducting Human girls and turning them into those things, weren't you?" Azazel said to Uriel with his smile now gone and replaced with a serious frown.

"Yes! They are called Angeloids, as close to the power of Angels as we could create to slay that vile beast!" Uriel shouted as he pointed his finger at (Y/N), who looked up at the now-Black winged Seraph with an arrogant sneer as Ikaros stood herself back up with a stoic look on her face.

"Angeloids... what have you done, brother? This is Blasphemy!" Michael cried out in disbelief and betrayal, Irina covered her mouth in shock and horror at this revelation, that one of the higher powers in Heaven was committing such an evil deed shook her faith.

Then suddenly, Serafall barely managed to put up a barrier to block a spell that was flung by Katarea Leviathan, who quickly reminded the assembled Supernatural that she was still here, causing Sirzechs and Serafall to engage her in battle.

(Y/N) had a look of boredom on his face as he looked up to the fallen Seraph and his force of artificial Angels, he then glanced over toward the Angel who pledged herself to him and he them smiled slightly as an idea came to him.

"Ikaros, I want to see the extent of your power, destroy them all" (Y/N) said as he looked to her and motioned to the assembled Angeloid army and their two creators.

"Understood, activating combat mode" Ikaros said as she spread her wings wide and in a flash, she launched herself at the Angeloids at high speeds, the power of her launch enough to crater the ground she jumped off of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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