The Downfall of Heaven and Hell

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God, the Four Devil Kings, and the soldiers that were smart enough to stay far back were blinded by an intense flash of light, powerful bolts of lightning shot from (Y/N)'s wings, the bolts flew into the dark, cloudy sky, and the surrounding area, the many unfortunate Angels, Fallen and Devils that were flying were wiped out in an instant, along with many who were close to (Y/N) on the ground.

The Factions leadership let out pained cries as they all covered their eyes, some stumbling or falling to their knees as they covered their eyes with their hands and/or arms, some crying out in pain as they were blinded.

The leadership of the three Factions were the first to recover from their blindness, followed by other members of their races, only to be shocked at the sight before them.

"Wh- What?!" Kokabiel said, as he trembled in abject fear, Azazel and Shemhazai uncovered their eyes, which promptly widened at the sight before them, they saw (Y/N) and his brothers stood with their wings spread, the tips and claws smouldering as singed and burnt feathers, both black and white, along with the ashes of what used to be soldiers fell from the sky like a snow storm.

"S-So many... so many dead!" Zeoticus Gremory said in shock, as he saw the massacre of the 72 Devil Pillars, this would decimate the Devil's numbers! Along with the Angels and the Fallen!

"F-Father!" Michael said as he fell to his knees, tear running from his eyes as he imagined all of the other Angels that had been wiped out in an instant.

"Monster! You will bring ruin to the order I have set for this world! You must be destroyed!" God said, as he glared at (Y/N) and his siblings, (Y/N), Ni and San all let out what sounded like a cackle as they saw the death and destruction they had caused.

"Hahaha! Like a big bug zapper!" Ni said as he saw the clouds of singed feathers falling around them, however...

"Yooouuu...!" (Y/N) growled as his gaze was fixed on God, the one who had interrupted their meal, God flinched at this gaze, then Ni and San added their own angry glares toward the Biblical God.

"You stole our meal!" San said, sounding like a kid who had their lunch stolen from them.

"Such a pathetic old man!" Ni growled aggressively, growling at God and baring his teeth.

"You will take their place!" (Y/N) roared before he charged toward where God was stood, the heavy steps (Y/N) and his siblings too with their feet and their wings as they charged toward God.

God's eyes grew wide in fear, before he called up his Holy Power to do battle with (Y/N) and his brothers, he grew himself larger to better combat the three headed Kaiju, until he was up to the brother's chest in height.

"Feel my Holy Wrath, unholy Serpents!" God said before he shot a beam of Holy Light toward the three headed Titan, the beam struck (Y/N) on the chest, pushing him and his brothers back a few feet, before he stopped and brought his wings forward to shield himself and his brother's sight.

"Ah, it's so bright!" (Y/N) growled as he squinted his eyes, using the cover his wings provided to shield his and his brother's eyes from the light God was attacking them with.

"This insect shines too much!" Ni snarled angrily, annoyed at the feeling in his eyes.

"Ooh, little sparkles dancing around... getting dizzy" San said as his eyes tracked the little sparks dancing around his face.

(Y/N) growled and started pushing through the light towards God, slowly making his way towards the leader of the Angels, growling as he walked slowly through the light, which barely singed the golden scales on his wings, until he was very close to God, who went wide eyed as (Y/N) spread his wings wide, dispelling the beam of light as his wings spread wide, and both Ni and San shot towards God with both jaws wide open, he went to try and block then with his arms, managing to catch San by the neck, while Ni's bit down on his other arm, making God yell in pain as Ni's fangs sank into his flesh.

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