Just a Thought

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While walking, Simon thought of some things he might need. He remembered their being a restaurant, which he figured was probably abandoned by everything else around here. Also, he needed weapons. Something effective. And something little old Marceline can carry. He looked down at her, holding her hand. He had way too many thought running through his head.

What if I lose her like I did Betty ?
No no, I won't let that happen.
But here, alone with danger, what else am I to do?
...What if I lose myself? What if that...that man of ice takes over?
Could that even happen?
Who even created this crown, and why is it like this? How come it helps AND harms people? especially the...ones I care for?
Why is this little girl out on her own anyway? where are her paren-


Marceline snapped Simon out of his over-thinking. "Yes?"

"Can I see Hambo?"


"That's what I named the bear you gave me."

"Oh, you finally have that little fella a name?"

"Yeah, now give him to me please please please!!"

"Alright alright, I'll get your precious 'Hambo' " He started pulling Hambo out of hi back-pack.

"Yay yay yay!" She smiled.

He handed her Hambo. Marcy held Hambo to her chest with her free arm, seemingly already attached to the stuffed animal.

Simon started to remember when he first gave Hambo to Marcy. The evening they first met. He didn't think anyone was left in town after The Bomb from The Great Mushroom War exploded, setting off a strange greeny gloom in the air. Simon started to think the bomb going off had a connection to the outbreak of zombies. He then figured he could do a little experiment. After killing another zombie, he could-

"We're getting food for both of us, right?"

"Of course! Why ask a silly question like that ?"

"Cuz I ate today, but you didn't."


"Yeah, I thought big kids had to eat too."

"Wha-well of course we do!" They stopped walking and looked at each other. "But you're the real deal. Why, you're the young one with the growing bones! Mine however, are as old as rust, they don't need no food." Simon was indeed hungry, but his main priority was her. He couldn't tell her it was the magic of the crown keeping him alive. She hated it, as things were now, and as things were going to be.

"So we are getting food?"

"Just more for you."


Simon figured she sounded distressed. "Stop worrying so much, everything will be fine." He looked into the distance and saw a familiar building. "Aye, speaking of food, there's an old fast food place over, see?" He pointed at about ten o'clock.

"What place is that?"

"Popeyes !"

"Is that place good?"

"Is it?! Haven't you heard of that place back where you're from ?"

"No b-"

There was a rustle in a near by berry bush. It was about a yard away, and it was in the same direction as the food. But, how far away was the food?
About six yards down the road.


"Shhhh...Marcy did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Her tone suddenly changed, " i-is there another zombie?"

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