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1. Inko's zodiac sign is Sagittarius. (December 1)

2. Inko's birthplace is in Kanazawa, Japan.

3. Her foot size is 23.2 cm.

4. She has tritanopia type of colorblindness -one reason why she enjoys Chigiri's hair so much.

5. Inko's blood is B-

6. She is ambidextrous and can use both legs.

7. Her favorite soccer player is herself or Oliver Aiku. (She would never admit actually liking Oliver Aiku's playstyle) (A/N There is no way Oliver is 19 years old. I refuse to belive that.)

8. She started playing soccer at age 13 but went under vigorous training before then. 

9. Inko thinks her strong point is her eyes. She's able to piece together entire scenarios based on the skills, and abilities of the powers around her. This skill was called, Metavision. Her skills after are as follows: ball control, physique, multiple vs. 1, and kicking accuracy. 

10. Her favorite food is Japanese sweets. Preferably Dango but will eat ANY sweets/candy. Her least favorite food is cold food, including ice cream; she refuses to anything cold. She finds cold food to be "absolutely disgusting and totally repulsive"

11. Her hobbies are exercising, watching anime, gaming, and studying. Although she would rather die than admit it, Inko loves painting. If not for soccer she probably would've pursued an art career.

12. Her favorite season is winter because she enjoys the cold and loves snow. Her favorite winter activity is shoving snow into people's shirts to piss them off. However, she hates Christmas with her entire soul.

13. Embarrassed, Inko's favorite band is The Smiths. Her favorite song is 'Back to the Old House.' She has yet to attend a concert but once bought tickets, having to resell them because she got heavily sick.

14. Her favorite movie is anything from Studio Ghibli. She finds it rather embarrassing how much she loves them. Her top movies are Howl's Moving Castle and The Cat Returns.

15. Inko loves aquariums. Some of her favorite underwater animals are sharks, stingrays, jellyfish, and squids. If she wanted to ask someone on a date, this is where she would take them.

16. Inko has twenty-four stuffed animals (placed on a shelf like prized possessions) and could explain where they got them down to the year, month, day, hour, and minute. 

I17. Inko's favorite animal is a fox. She owns a pet fox that was sent to an old friend to be taken care of while in Blue Lock. His name is Tanaka (it's where she got the name.)

18. Her favorite subjects are science and math. Her least favorite subject is English because she finds grammar difficult.

19. Inko would never admit to having a fetish. However, people with glasses tended to be more attractive. 

20. Her favorite manga is Death Note. She likes the mystery and psychological thriller aspects. She also loves the gothic style of everyone inside the books and often takes inspiration from her style. (A/N I LOVE MISA AND MELLO STYLE I LITERALLY LOVE THEM)

21. Inko hated a lot of things. Her parents, crying, traitors, humiliation, and centipedes were her top five hated things. She carries around a 12-page list, noting everything she hates. Another sum includes warm water, prickly blankets, people who slurp their soup, and kids. She really hates kids. (a/n me too. )

22. If Inko were ever forced to think of an ideal type she'd say someone charming, smart, and collected. But also able to take mean jokes without much thought, as it was part of who she was. (A/N did I unintentally describe yukimiya? maybe? i literally love him smm I need to squeeze a big hug out of him. Niko, Yukimiya, Kunigami, Anri, and Aryu are my top 5 fav bllk characters)

23. Last year, she received 2 chocolates. One was from Jin. and the other was from her manager.

24. Inko was extremely scared of the dark until she was 14. Every time she got scared she would run to Jin's room until he started waking up. He always knew when she snuck into his room and eventually bought her a nightlight. It never stopped her from sleeping in his room sometimes.

25. The last time she cried was when she was interrogated by the police. In her life, this was the first time she willingly cried. (Not including her baby years.)

26. She stopped believing in Santa when she was 4, after finding gifts in her parent's closet. Neither Jin nor Inko celebrate Christmas. The last thing she asked from Santa was for her parents to go ice skating with her. They didn't.

27. Inko is extremely smart. She took AP classes in science and math yet still passed with nearly perfect grades. Her teachers advised her to get a degree in chemistry but she found it too much work.

28. If it were her last day on earth, Inko would go to her brother and bother him. In her last moments, she'd stare at the clock before giving her brother the middle finger with a smile.

29. If she received 100,000 Yen she would shrug. Money had never been a big deal to her as she grew up spoiled rich. She already had plenty but she guessed she would put it in her bank account. It was no different than normal.

30. Inko is tsundere (her friendlier side isn't too much better) and was diagnosed with Alexithymia when she was 6.

31. Inko has never had a heartfelt talk with her brother. They had never been those types of people. But sometimes, late at night when she is alone, she wishes she could tell him everything that happened.

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