A Whiteboard Pen From Korea

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"So where's our gig?" Sophie asked eagerly. "There is no concert" I said to Sophie. Sophie and I have been in a Band called the Nicki Minajesters for the past year. All our songs are either Nicki Minaj originals, Nicki Minaj mash ups or Nicki Minaj themed. "What? Then why are we here?" Sophie asked, I had dragged her into the swimming pool but we weren't wet as it was empty for the winter. It was the most weirdest place to go to tell a secret and where Chelsea would never find us. "I want to plan a plot against Chelsea after what she did to me" I whispered. "Just beat her in netball trials and shove her over" Sophie said. "That's genius!" I smiled to Sophie.

The day of netball trials arrived. I went to the courts and met up with Sophie. "What's the plan?" I said. "So when the names go up for the trial games, I'll use my whiteboard pen that I ordered as an exact replica of the coach's pen from Korea and my stencil of the coach's handwriting to write Chelsea into Goal Shoot and you into Goal Keep, then you will have your chance for the whole 10 minute game to shove her as much as you want!". "Perfect" I said.

6 Minutes into the netball game and Chelsea had scored all the goals. I hadn't shoved her over once! Now I have to admit, this girl is skilled... but not skilled enough. The ball is making it's way down the court. I get ready to intercept the next pass to Chelsea. Madi was in the same trial game as us. She held the ball ready to pass the ball to Chelsea but I was focused. Chelsea ran forward to receive the pass and I jumped in front just in time. The ball left Madi's fingertips. The ball traveled in a way to show a lob. I jumped to grab the ball with both hands, pull it into my chest and release it on to another team member. I would beat Chelsea! This intercept would get me into the top team. The ball travelled closer, My plan was in my head and it went into action. I jumped for the lob only to realise the lob was bigger than I thought and that Chelsea had dodged back bringing herself closer to the goal. I tried to run in for a lean and rebound but Chelsea had already shot before I even had time to react. 8 Minutes were gone and within the last 2 minutes, Chelsea scored every goal that came to her (a total of 5 goals). I didn't even get a chance to shove her over. I had lost this time but I knew that as soon as the teams were announced, I would get in a higher ranked netball team. That would be more satisfying than any intercept or rebound could have ever been.

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