Madi is Rich Too?!

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I walked into school today and there was a big banner in the Hall with Brooke's face on it saying "Because of Your Success, Parents Will Be Inspired To Bring Their Children To Our School!". The principle was on stage giving a speech with Brooke standing next to her. "Not only are you going to earn millions but you are pretty much free advertising for the school! Which means more students! Which means more money!" The principle ended her speech and shook Brooke's hand while the large audience cheered and applauded. "NO MODESTY!" Olivia shouted cheerfully  as the principle walked off the stage. Brooke walked over to me "Your late! The principle just said a whole speech for me!" She said happily. "That's alright, I heard that you are being paid tonight!" I said with a fake smile trying to hide my nervousness and concerns for everything that is about to happen. "Yes! I'm getting one MILLION DOLLARS!" Brooke shouted waving her arms in the air with enthusiasm and energy. "Can I come with you? I really want to see the huge offices and big factories!" I asked. "Sure I would love to have you come with me! And before you leave, have a 'brookie'" she said as she passed me one, "they are also for sale at the canteen!".

I stood at the buliding where Brooke was going to become a millionare, a black truck pulled over, Brooke came out and waved goodbye to it as it drove away. "Hey! Are you excited!" She asked with a big smile. I was actually really nervous but I lied in a wonky, squeaky voice "Yeah!". We walked into the buliding together which was 50 stories high in the middle of town. It was dark so the streets were lit up and it wasn't busy. We went through spinning doors into a foyer where a lady stood behind a desk. The room smelt of vanilla and soap with a large decorative fountain in the middle. "Hi how can I help you?" The lady at the counter asked so politely. "Hi, I'm Brooke Houston, I'm here to receive payment for my brookies" Brooke said. "Oh-Yes! Just go to the 43rd floor and in the 7th room" The lady repiled then Brooke said "Thank You" as she sprinted to the gold elevator which was so shiny and clean, you could see your reflection. Brooke looked like she had eaten about 100 brookies before we got here because she pressed the elevator button constantly until the door slid open. But the door slid open and my heart stopped. I couldn't breathe. I slowly followed Brooke into the elevator but stood right up against the wall. Brooke pressed the button which read "43" constantly (like before) until the door slid closed. But then the door slid closed. We were trapped inside an elevator with Kingdon. I could tell it was her because she had a syringe with purple liquid in it in her back pocket. Brooke didn't notice Kingdon's disguise and Kingdon didn't even speak to Brooke even though she was out in the open. I kept my face against the wall  but I had a feeling that Kingdon knew I was here. I looked up at the small screen above the doors which counted what floor we were on, 59, 40, 41, 42, 43. The door slid open. Brooke got out in a hurry and I was as eager as her to get out but then I felt a sharp pain in my thigh...I looked back as I was half out the elevators...Kingdon had injected purple serum into me. The elevator door closed and started going down as I felt dizzy and nauseous. I leaned against the wall for support. After a few minutes, my mind was clear again thanks to my divergence but Brooke was out of sight. I ran down the hall searching for Brooke but the I came across room 7 and I looked in the small window. There was a short person with medium-length blonde hair in the room and my mind was at ease. I walked in as Brooke shook hands with a girl who seemed to be our age. "Madi? You own this huge business?" I asked as I looked to see Madi having a conference with Brooke. "No, I just run the food business part of things around here" She said. I was amazed, then I thought about how my life was compared to theirs... They are rich 14 year olds with millions of dollars and I still get excited when I find 10 cents in my mum's car. "Well we better get going Madi, Nice to chat!" Brooke said as she waved goodbye. "What are you going to spend your money on first?" I was so happy for her. "Don't know" She said in a uncertain tone. She was quiet after that, didn't say a word on the elevator or on the walk outside, she just said goodbye when she hoped into her mum's white truck. 

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