Olivia! Don't Hide in the Bush!

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Chelsea and I strapped on our bush costumes. We actually just looked like green clouds but we weren't sculptors or clothing designers so you don't have a reason to expect much from us. We had recruited Mckenzie to stay out on the watch for us to tell us when Havill was coming. Havill walked past us while we hid behind a door. "She just walked past!" Chelsea said. "Ok lets go!" I encouraged but my door wouldn't budge. "Why isn't this opening!!" I screamed in frustration. Chelsea started to push then the door swung open and we fell on the floor. Chelsea and I were on the ground only to notice Mckenzie was standing in front of the door holding her phone...videoing us. "Now that! HAHAHA! Is going on my snapchat story!" Mckenzie laughed at us. "Why did you hold the door shut?" Chelsea complained. "So I could video you falling over dressed as retarded bushes!" Mckenzie was still laughing. I tried to get us back on track. "Ok, Mckenzie you will stand 5 metres away from the stairs outside the bathroom and Chelsea and I will wait on them" I said as I grabbed Chelsea's wrist and dragged her along. Chelsea and I waited on the stairs for Havill to leave her locker and then we could jump in and try to figure out the combination. Our plan was that Havill would walk out the door and we could come behind her to her locker when Mckenzie sent me the text but things did not go to plan. I looked down at my phone to read Mckenzie's text which said "Havill is turning towards the stairs RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!". I then panicked and pushed Chelsea down the stairs. That was when I noticed that friends are like slinkies, they might not be good for much but always make you smile when you push them down the stairs. There was a window at the bottom of the stairs and I jumped out it. Chelsea was on the ground moaning "What was that for?!". I didn't have time to explain so I just shouted to her "HURRY UP HAVILL IS COMING!". Chelsea immediately got up and jumped out the window. Then we both crouched down to put our bush costumes into action but we saw something running towards us... Olivia! She came and hid behind me and Chelsea. I don't know why Olivia likes to hide in bushes, she is a strange girl but this was just weird. She was breathing on my neck and I felt really uncomfortable. Things got worse... Brooke came over to us. "Olivia! Come out of the bush!" She said while she put her legs over Chelsea's head and pulled Olivia out. She was pulled out of the bush, kicking me in the head on the way. "Come on! there is free Pizza at the sports centre!" Brooke said to Olivia then they ran off. "Thank god that's over!" Chelsea said but all I could think of is the free pizza. "The one day we decide to dress up as bushes and spy on my friend is the day they have free pizza?!" I complained. "Come on!" Chelsea said as she dragged me over to get to Havill's locker.

We met up with Mckenzie there who had a huge smile on her face. "What's up?" Chelsea asked. "I found out the combination!" Mckenzie Boasted "it's 1 2 3 4" and then her smile turned into a 'are you kidding me?' face.

Jasmine And Chelsea's Epic AdventureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora