Chelsea Removes Her Braces

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About 2 weeks later and Chelsea and I were best friends. We had sleepovers and shared secrets and life was just so fun. I was no longer depressed until today...

I walked over to Mckenzie and Brooke and Havill and everyone else with them. I sat down with them but know one said "Hi" or even acknowledged me. "Hi guys" I said trying to gain some attention but I regret it now because now everyone is staring at me with an attitude on their face. I looked over to Havill and she looked especially depressed... like how I did a few weeks ago. "What's going on?" I asked. No one replied. Havill got up and walked away. This made me feel rejected, normally when I came into the group, Olivia and I would share a disgusting joke and Brooke and Havill would screw their faces in disgust and Mikayla would say "hashtag grotty!" but nothing happened. "Hey so Olivia" I said awkwardly "How's Mr Rain?". She scowled at me. "Where's Chelsea?" Olivia asked with an attitude. "She's away getting her braces taken off at the dentist" I said, "Where did Charlotte go?". "Anywhere but here, she doesn't like you" Madi said in a concerned tone. Once again I was confused, puzzled. "All I wanted was to be friends Yes?" Mikayla said with her puppy dog eyes then everyone got up and walked away, I was alone.

Chelsea came back from the dentist and found me sitting alone. "Do you want to see my teeth?" She asked. I didn't reply. "Damn it JASMINE! DO YOU WANT TO SEE MY TEETH!" She shouted at me in frustration. I still didn't reply. I was too confused about what happened today with Havill and everyone. "Chelsea, I was excited but something bad happened today" I said. Then I realized that I had to talk to Havill.

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