Chelsea Chick is Cool

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My mind was more clear now. I needed to go see someone about my struggles in school. They said that there are some counselling teachers at school but I didn't want to talk about it that way. So I went to a person who recently went through what I went through and that was literally 5 minutes ago. "Charlotte, how did you deal with me shoving into you so easily?" I said to Gray. "I was Micheal Jackson in my past life... I've been through a lot, I guess I've just learnt that there are bigger problems to worry about in the world" Gray said. "How do I come in the goods with Chelsea?" I asked. "Just go up to her and ask, why did you shove into me that day and I'm sure everything will come clear" Gray said and she was right.

I saw Chelsea in front of me. I walked up to her slowly. I was nervous, my hands were shaking. "Hi Chelsea" I said only just loud enough so she could hear me. "Hi" She said with a smile after scanning me with her eyes. "I wanted to talk about the other day" I said, I'm still quiet and I'm sure I sound nervous. "Um ok?" Chelsea sounded unsure, or maybe she sounded disturbed. "Why did you shove into me that day?" I had a huge lump in my throat. "Um I don't think I ever met you?" She said. She was smart with her words trying to be innocent but I was so upset at this point to play any games, so I just went with the flow. "Remember I was your partner in the netball trials?" I said. "Oh and were you the one that said hashtag rude?" She asked. "Yes" I said. I was waiting for a "you're such a loser" or "eww weirdo" but I was surprised... "You are such a cutie, I'm sorry about bumping into you, I was just getting late to sign up for netball umpiring" Chelsea said with a smile. I smiled back, this Chelsea chick is cool.

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