Locker Hideout

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Georgina took us to school. We were searching for Brooke and Kingdon. We reached Havill's locker and Georgina entered the password "1 2 3 4" and the door opened. Vergeest instantly pushed passed everyone to see the locker first. There was a large fold out diagram on the door. We unfolded it and it read of many things including "Make Jasmine and Chelsea mad at one another, website for Brooke Costume, Purple serum recipe, Secret hideout, 43rd floor and 7th room" and etc. Everyone was in shock as they scanned the planning and read every detail. "Come on guys, follow me" Georgina said as she put her legs into the locker and slides in. "It's a little secret hideout!" Mckenzie said in awe. Then everyone followed behind Georgina and slid in as well. I slid in after Chelsea, it was a solid 5 second ride until I fell off something on to the ground. It was dark until Georgina flicked the lights on. Brooke was tied to a chair along side Madi. "Madi!" I shouted as I tended to her while Vergeest and Mckenzie were untying Brooke. Once Madi and Brooke were untied, We all sat in a crooked circle in silence. "How do we fix this?" Madi asked. It was silent again. Everyone was troubled in their own thoughts. How could Havill do this? I have known her for 2 years and I never thought she would do something like this. She was just an innocent girl who liked lollipops, pigtails and playing violin. Violin was the instrument she played and she was such a cutie. IDEA! "EVERYONE! I HAVE AN IDEA!" I shouted and everyone stared with so much interest as I explained my idea.

For the next week, we practiced. No one was sure about weather my plan would work or not but we had no choice, this was our only hope. I clicked the play button on the radio as we practised routines and memorized lyrics. It was such a serious task that I never saw anyone smile the whole time. Havill will pay for this, all the happiness that we have lost. It was now Friday, game day. We were in our positions and I recieved the text from Madi reading "Havill is on her way". "She is coming" I said in my deep, dramatic, masculine voice as everyone prepared for the most important 2 minutes of their lives.

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