Cambodian not Chinese

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It was maths class at school, I always sit alone in maths because there is a spare desk next to me. I walked into class and everyone was happy and excited. This was a first, maths is the class that everyone hates and would rather jump off a cliff than do but everyone was happy. Mr Rain is our maths teacher and he sucks, 68% of our class get maths tutoring because he is so bad, I learnt that percentage from my maths tutor. "All right everyone Zuò xià" Mr Rain said. "Sho What?" Olivia asked. Mr Rain sometimes speaks chinese without even noticing, it really effects our learning. "Oh Sorry! Sit down and Tíngzhǐ shēngchǎn nào dé! Wǒ zhīdào dàjiā dōu xīngfèn jīntiān qiēhuàn shūzhuō!" Mr Rain Said. There is this one cambodian girl who sits behind us and everyone stares at her for an explanation. "Saneng translate!" Olivia insisted. "I'm Cambodian, not Chinese!" Saneng said. "But you said you take Chinese class?" I complained. "I might not be accurate but I think he said to shut the hell up and follow the diagram on the board" She replied. And of course the diagram was written in Chinese. "Can you please write that in english?" Another girl on the other side of the class asked. Mr Rain then erased everything and translated it "Sorry girls, I forgot Saneng is the only one who is Chinese in this class". "Racist" Olivia whispered to me. Saneng just looked exhausted from explaining that she was actually Cambodian. On the board was a diagram about a new seating arrangement. YES! I finally wasn't going to be alone and have to talk to Olivia from across the room. I read the name on the board next to mine "Morgan Shackleton". Oh my goodness! At our school we are put into different groups called "houses" and compete with one another in inter-school competitions. It's kind of like the hunger games with districts but it isn't violent. I was in the house Shackleton and I started to wonder if she was. I went over to where she was and sat next to her. "Hi I'm Morgan, What's your name?" She asked. "Hi I'm Jasmine" I said while we shook hands. "I'm in the house Shackleton and was wondering if you were in that house because -you know- it would be funny because your last name?" I said with a chuckle. Morgan sighed and said "Everyone asks me that and It's a no, It's just like how everyone thinks Saneng is Chinese". "Oh so do you play a sport?" I asked. "Yeh I'm in your netball team, I saw your name on the list last week" Morgan said and then paused for a moment, she looked around cautiously then whispered really closely to my face, "Do you know about Brooke's Brookie invention?". "No" I said. Morgan continued to whisper "Well I'm giving you a heads up, ask Brooke about her brookies and then find the combination to Havill's locker, you'll be surprised at what you find".

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