What Was This Chapter Called?

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My looking holes open...what are they called again? I don't know I don't remember. I'm in a weird square box of some sort and something is touching my leg. Ew, what is touching my leg? It feels cold and tall and athletic. It's a girl...or a boy? I don't remember what the difference was. Something is leaning against my food storing place...what is it called again? Oh yeah a stomach! It's another person, or cat? I don't remember the difference. The top of the box I'm in creeks open and light streams in, two faces appear and then two hands, and then two sticks on the ends of the hands, then they grab me and pull me out. I fall onto the ground with a big black round thing in front of me. I think it's called a well, or a wheel? I don't remember the difference. "She looks kind of pale, is Chelsea or Mckenzie awake?" One organism asks the other. "No, she is the only one awake" the other one replies. Both of the girls...or boys? Well they both have blonde hair but the difference is one is wavy and one is straight. The girl with the wavy hair leans in "Hey Jasmine... How are you doing?" She speaks to me as if I'm a baby or I don't know english... or Russian? I don't remember the difference. I think I should speak back, they keep staring at me waiting for a magic trick or something. "Who is Jasmine" I ask. "What?!" The girl with the straight hair looks surprised and confused at the same time. Someone then behind me moans. "Mckenzie is awake!" One of them says then both people run to the trunk of the car -OH! It's A CAR! I remember them! Such neat ways of transportation."Mckenzie do you remember anything?!" One calls out to the "so-called" Mckenzie. "Who is Mckenzie and what is she remembering?" She says and both of the blonde girls gasp in unison. "They erased their memory!" One calls out in frustration while the other covers her mouth. "I can't believe Havill, Kingdon and Georgina did this!" The girl said and I got up off the ground. The word "Havill" sparked something in my mind. Think! Think! Jasmine? THAT'S MY NAME! "Jasmine is my name!" I shouted. One of the blonde girl's eyes glisten with hope and they run towards me "Yes Jasmine! Yes! What's my name?" asked Morgan...IT'S MORGAN! "Morgan!" I said as Vergeest came and hugged me...VERGEEST! It's all coming back to me now! Chelsea wakes up in the trunk of the car and says "Why are those humans hugging? or are they cats, I don't remember the difference?" Then Mckenzie replies like a drunk person "No I think they are dogs". Morgan, Vergeest and I laughed. "What did they do to you?!" Vergeest asked then I explained about the bush costumes, the locker combination, the gas and the purple liquid for memory loss. Vergeest listened to me well but Morgan was off in her own world. "Morgan, are you alright?" I asked. "Yes I'm just wondering how you got your memory back so fast? Chelsea and Mckenzie will be memory-free for the next 24 hours, how did you recover in just 3 minutes?" She questioned. Then my heart sank. I had a secret myself I never told anyone and I never thought the day would come where such circumstances would force me to tell the truth. "Yeah, how did you recover from the serum so fast?" Vergeest was now fascinated too. The pressure was building on me while they both stared at me for an explanation. I had to let it out "I'm Divergent".

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